
To add your pet's memories on our tributes page, please email a photo and your tribute to or fill out the form below.

Kody Klinedinst

Kody was our 15-year-old baby. From the day we bought him home from the rescue, he was laid back and well behaved. He loved us all unconditionally and was the best boy one could ever ask for. Our hearts are broken, and we miss him terribly.







Trixie Heldibridle

"Trixie was the princess of the house. From the moment she picked us from a litter of 12 she captured our hearts with her bright blue eyes and kept coming back to us to make sure we knew she was the one, fleas and all! As a family, Trixie always made us laugh with her specific likes and dislikes despite being a lab who is supposed to eat anything and would light up the moment she saw a tennis ball even in her old age when she could no longer chase them. We hope Heaven gives you all the fluffy blankets and tennis balls you could ever want, sweet girl. Please come visit us."




Dodger Theodore Setliff

Saying goodbye to the bestest boy was the hardest thing I’ve had to do. He saved my life many years ago. And for that, I owe him the world. He went easily and peacefully in my arms. So I know that he was ready even though I wasn’t. The house is a lot quieter. And there is basset-sized hole in our world. But I know he is running free, chasing rabbits, sniffing all the things, and eating all the watermelon and tomatoes that he wants. Dodger Theodore, my boo bear, my goose, my hound dog… You took a piece of my heart with you. But you left a piece of yours with me so that I’ll know you’re always with me. ♥️



Luna Vanasdalan

Luna a silly goof ball of a pup. She provided lots of laughs and companionship over the years. She was by our side to share the good and the difficult times. Always with loving snuggles, kisses and smiles. Her presence will be missed greatly but she will continue on with us in our hearts and fondest memories.






Tiny Acevedo

Tiny was full of life. He loved family and most importantly he loved being a protector of the grandbaby of the house. He loved family to play with his toys and loves walks. He will be missed so much!






Hunter Fair-Leech

Hunter was my fur baby boy for 13 years. He was just the perfect little pup. Loved his frisbee, squeaker toys, chew bones and even liked our Cats toys. He brought much happiness, joy and unconditional love to my life. We grew old together. It was time in our life to let him go. Peaceful Pet Passage came to our home. They were gentle and kind and my boy passed peacefully. My heart is broken and my home is empty without him. I love you my sweet Hunter. Until we meet again.




Shadow Sipe

Since she was a puppy, Shadow loved being outside. She was happiest when playing ball or walking. Was so hard to say goodbye after 16 years…grateful she was at home surrounded by our love.






Bernie Hoskinson

Our beloved Bernese Mountain Dog had to be put to sleep because of the devastating disease Degenerative Myelopathy. We felt that the ultimate gift of LOVE was to let him go. Bernie was an AMAZING dog! He was the most affectionate and loving dog you could ever imagine. He loved everyone and everyone who met him loved Bernie - our sweet, gentle giant. He was always there for us during the good times and comforting us during the bad times. He loved his hedgehog toy! We loved him so very much and he will be greatly missed, but he will always be in our hearts.




Emmy Suggs

My Emmy was the best friend that everyone should have. She was such a sweet and loving Aussie. We got her 15 years ago in Bumpass, VA. She came from a show dog mom and dad which is why she was so beautiful. She loved to swim, go on family vacations to the beach every year and playing with squeaky balls. Peanut Butter treats were her favorite. We adopted her brother Troegs 5 years ago and she loved to play with him until she couldn’t. I will forever love and miss her…




Tuna Kepler

This strange kitty we took in after finding her in our garbage can 11 years ago went over the rainbow bridge 10/2/2024. Tuna took 7 years to become a snuggler. She loved white cheddar popcorn and was picky with her treats. Her marking on her face also was quite unique. Thank you for giving her peace.





Thorin Messick

Thorin Oakenshield was found in a roadside ditch with his litter mates in Mississippi. We had him transported to Pennsylvania and were told that they were all chihuahuas and would be “ten pounds, full grown”. As soon as they handed him to me off the transport truck, I laughed, because he was definitely not a chihuahua 😂 He has been a loyal family member for the past ten years and it was very hard to say goodbye. We miss his cuddles and playfulness and are so fortunate to have had him in our lives.




Cleo Diana Butcher

We’re heartbroken to share our sweet Cleo crossed to the Rainbow bridge on Sept. 25, 2024. She was the loving “dog”ter to Scott and Debbie and the little sister to her human brother and best friend Jonathan. She will forever be the “Queen” of our hearts.
Cleo Diana Butcher
Oct. 28, 2009-Sept. 25, 2024






Ginger Drawbaugh

I loved her big black nose. She was a sweetheart who kept me company and worked hard to protect me from all outside evils like the mailman, feral cats, etc. Believe it or not she was 50% Bichon and 50% Doberman. We were told that when we got her as a puppy but didn’t believe it until I had her DNA tested by Wisdom Panel. I liked to call her “ Stink”. My son called her “Gingerbread”. I miss her terribly.





Max Eberly

Max would always let you know when it was time to eat. He would stay by his bowl in the kitchen and hop, throw his head around and bark to let you know it was feeding time even if he already ate. He also loved to ring his bells to go outside. We miss you Max!





Sasha Howells

Sasha was our sweet girl. Always so sweet to our daughter, knew how to look at you and make you forget all the shoes she destroyed. We will miss her dearly and the sound of her rubbing up against a wall or watching her roll around outside.






Izzy Carpenter

Izzy passed today (8/6/2024) around noon time. He has been in failing health for the past 9 months but he never let it stop him, just slow him down a bit. We were never really sure of his age but figure he was 13-14 years old. Certified a AKC Canine Good Citizen in 2014, his spirit was bigger than his size. He was always a good brother to Cody, Roxy, and now Bailey and is now reunited with Cody and Roxy. While it is hard losing a member of the family, we are grateful to be a part of his life. Rest easy Izzy.❤️





Charlie Snead

My Charlie baby will be forever missed! I'll never forget his goofy personality and his love to run and play in the creek. You're always in my heart baby boy!







Mika Pelow

Mika Pelow age 15 years.

Thank you for all of your support through this difficult time for our family.






Beluga Kerns

Boogie was an amazing dog I didn’t get to love him his whole life because I adopted him when he was 3 years old but the time I got to spend with him was the best from the moment we met I knew he was meant to be with me. He was there when I met my now husband, when we got our first house, and when my son was born I wish he had more time together and making the call was the hardest decision in my life, I am so thankful that peaceful pet passage made it a little easier.💕 I love you so much boogie you will be greatly missed.




Cali Rohrbaugh

Cali was a wonderful dog that we got the privilege of having as a family member for 14 years and 2 months. She loved going to the park ,playing ball, doing dock dog practices and swimming whenever she could. She was a pal Grayson and the cats. I hope you are playing ball and running with Turbo.





Harley Laughton

Harley came into our lives as a small, nervous, puppy over 8 years ago. In those 8 years, she grew into a fun, loving, happy, loyal, still sometimes nervous, best friend. Harley loved being around her mom and dad the most, she loved her cat brother Torque (even if he only tolerated her while he was alive), and pretty much everyone she ever met. Everyone loved Harley as soon as they met her. She had a sweet and goofy nature that no one could resist. She loved being outside rolling in grass, chewing sticks, playing with her pile of toys, lounging on the couch, sunbathing on the deck, receiving compliments, having parties at the house, opening presents, and eating all the food she could! Over the last year and a half, Harley dealt with diabetes and blindness. She took it all in stride. She remained the sweet, playful, and happy goofball she was before. She handled multiple vet visits a month like a trooper and endured 2 shots of insulin a day without fuss. Unfortunately, over the last month, her kidneys started to fail, a growth developed on her stomach, and she was getting tired. With the heaviest of hearts, we made the heart breaking decision to let her pass peacefully at home. Harley, you have been my best friend and shadow, comfort, dance partner, work from home co-worker, a source of so much joy and laughter, and a huge piece of my heart. Words cannot express how much I love you and will miss you. I will keep your memory with me forever.

Mo Sutton

Our beloved Mo, best friend and heart of our family. The sweetest, most laid back, loving boy. Super sniffer, endurance hiker, best big brother, ultimate tail wager, incredibly handsome, food obsessed, generous kisser, non-listening, stinky guy. We miss him more than words can say. We will forever love you, Mo.





Paco Blanteno

Paco was the calm Aussie in a houseful of crazy animals. Here with his brothers, he was most beloved by neighbors, friends and family. We were blessed for his extraordinary long life and the love he gave us.






Bella Kennedy

Bella was a great dog who enjoyed being outside, chasing bunnies, and playing ball. She enjoyed going for car rides and the occasional ice cream.











Thunder Eckrote

We rescued Thunder & Lightning 10 years ago and Thunder was my constant shadow. If I was sitting, she was on my lap. She always made it known if she felt dinner was a second late. We will cherish her purrs and cuddles and know her sister will carry on the tradition. Saying goodbye to Thunder was so hard but Dr. Mary was so kind and compassionate. If only our companions could live forever. 🐾 ❤️





Mr. Bear Skaggs

Mr. Bear is truly missed. He has made the best of 16 years. We miss his sassiness, his cuddles and his daily demands. Things are not the same. He now joins his bestie Gizmo and Daddy Angel.






Boadie Romonusky

Boadie was our family member for 20 years. He was like a brother to our daughter Naela, and was by her side since she was a baby. Boadie was such a good boy and loved to nap, cuddle, and sit with us. He also enjoyed going outside to lay in the sun, and visiting the neighbors on our street. He was so laid back and lovable. We will forever carry Boadie in our hearts, and cherish the memories of him. When we look at the orange sunset, we know he is watching over us. We love you Bo Bo!.




Charlie DaCosta

I adopted Charlie from a friend who could no longer take care of her. Charlie was named after the viral video from late 2010 ‘Charlie bit me’. Charlie was first believed to be male but is actually female. The name remained. I have known Charlie her whole life and I adopted her end of 2011. She was 13 years and 5 months old when she passed. Charlie was a great companion and I love and miss her a lot. Charlie was always in my orbit whenever I was at home. She loved the bird and critter watching at the window. Sun bathing and the like. I hope to have been a great guardian to her. I believe I was. I will forever honor her with a shrine I created for her.



Roxie Shearer

It was time to say goodbye to our 12-year-old pocket beagle, Roxie. Like many beagles, she was a wacky little ball of energy whose keen senses and agility got her in all kinds of amusing trouble. (She’s the only dog we know who could jump up, extract a huge glass bowl from the kitchen sink, and carry it across the house to lap up a little dollop of gravy.) We miss her big, soft ears and wagging tail every day, and hope that her crossing of the Rainbow Bridge was gentle and everlasting.




Lacey Gelles

We had Lacey for 13 years. She had a wonderful personality, and she was loved by every single person who met her. She loved to sit outside at night in the colder months and she loved to take long walks when visiting the city of Pittsburgh. Even though she is no longer here, she will be in our hearts forever. We love and miss you, Lacey.





Puffy Ribiero Loudermilk

The Puff-Puff, Peef, Cobra….Puffy.
Puffy was the dog that Jason absolutely did not want, but ultimately couldn’t leave behind. She was his adorable, velcro, ride-or-die through hard times and was always his #1 girl. Jason’s brand of caring for his doe-eyed princess in pink camo caused her not to realize she was even a dog until Voodoo and Booey came along to coax her into learning how to properly sit alongside them. She immediately let those canines know who was in charge, though, despite relenting and learning a few basics to blend in. Those three were the O.G. #somanydogs. Puffy was a fierce warrior from the get-go. She fought the mail that was pushed through the mail slot in Randy’s duplex where Jason lived before she was introduced to the rest of her pack. She delivered well timed cobra strikes to all three Great Danes she was forced to endure (even though we know she secretly loved them). Puffy would take your finger off if you handed her food directly, but demurely ate from silverware. And never mind that you literally had to watch your ass when you slept, because she would deliver a butt bite in a millisecond if you dared encroach on her space at night. But Puffy wasn’t all sass, she was also a rock-solid leader. She set the tone for everyone in the house, dogs and humans alike. She decided the pace on group walks and showed the others her parkour skills. She laid down the rules that allowed the pack to free feed without incident. When she could hear, she was the initial alarm of the guard dog brigade whenever anyone walked by the house. And she kept us all on a strict schedule of treats, airplane rides down the stairs, and bedtimes. Puffy simply called the shots. Thankfully, her influence will live on in Pepper, and now Beetlejuice, who benefitted from her cranky old lady reprimands, stoic leadership, and firm confidence. We said goodbye to the Puff today after a long decline in mobility, vision, hearing, and general quality of life. She lived years beyond what we could have ever imagined with her litany of ailments, lumps, and bumps, and we’re grateful for every last one of them. RIP Puffy.

Morris Izquierdo

Morris was my companion. He is an angel who captured my heart instantly. I have so many beautiful memories that I hold dear. My best memory was his affection how he was always by my side and unconditional love. He wiped away tears, he gave me comfort. Rest in peace and play my baby. Until we meet again. I love you.










Pugslee Baird

In memory of Pugslee, our much-loved cocker spaniel. Pugslee was rescued from an animal abuse situation but not once did she lose her spunk and zest for life. Pugslee was blind when she was rescued in 2017 but her lack of vision never stopped her. She could find ANY pizza crust in our house just with her nose. We will miss Pugslee a great deal. She was such a wonderful dog, companion, and soul.







Karana Rorick

Karana was just a pup when she became part of our family. We spent 14 wonderful years with her. She loved car rides to get ice cream, long walks by the water chasing birds and swimming at the doggy dock pool. She was calm and gentle with a few stray kittens we rescued and became their guardian. The perfect momma dog. She was such a good girl and will be forever missed. Till we meet again sweetheart, I'll see you at the rainbow bridge.




Keisel Shaffer

In loving memory of Keisel. We had 10 wonderful years with Keisel, which wasn’t long enough. Keisel loved playing ball, digging holes and chewing on his many dog bones. He had his own place on the couch and in our bed. He loved to cuddle. We will always love him. I will miss him and his cuddles. Always in our hearts. Love you Keisel!





Prince Edwards Bryant

Prince Edwards loved the snow, blankets and his toys. He will be missed beyond words







Roscoe Woods

Roscoe loved to run, loved to make friends whether person or another dog or even cats. He never met a stranger, everybody was a friend to him, he enjoyed puppy day care soo much that we were taking him every week, he loved to rest on mommy's lap, loved to go for daily walks. We find comfort knowing he is free of pain running on heaven. Gone but not forgotten ❤️





Reece Malley

Reece was the perfect pet for anyone especially kids. She loved to play ball and just run around in the yard. She knew her people and the roles they played. Her Nanny(my mother) could not walk in our house without Reece running up to her and staying by her side the entire time she visited. Reece loved toys….but they didn’t last long because she would rip them apart. Her best friend Murphy, our other dog, misses her like crazy. He looks for her all the time. Reece was with us for 12yrs and we miss her more than we can even express.




Grace Utter

Gone but not forgotten.









Cody Shrawder

Our beloved dog, Cody, had passed away late 2010, and the pain of this loss was immense. Cody was more than a pet; he was a cherished companion, a source of unconditional love, and a true friend. From the moment Cody came into our life, he brought boundless joy and comfort. His wagging tail, warm presence, and unwavering loyalty were constants in our life. Cody had a way of sensing when we needed solace and would always be there to offer a comforting nuzzle or a playful distraction to us. The bond we shared was special and unique. Through both the good times and the challenging ones, Cody remained a steadfast presence. His absence leaves a significant void in our hearts, a reminder of the depth of the connection we had. We find solace in the memories we created together—the walks we took, the quiet moments we shared, and the joyful times that defined our days. Although Cody is no longer physically with us, his spirit and the love we shared will remain a cherished part of who we are.

Boomer Dickey

We rescued Boomer when he was assumed to be a year old. He immediately fit into our little family bringing us smiles and warmth. His white eyelashes, soft white coat and loving affection just made us want to squeeze him. He was one of the best, loyal, sweet, snuggly, protective, playful, is what our Boom was. We are missing him and know we will see him again one day.








Mylo Houseman

Our precious Mylo was the most laid back cat we ever had. Nothing bothered him and very little scared him. He would not move when I cut the grass or when I vacuumed. I just went around him. He would wake me up in the morning at exactly 4:00 AM to eat and come find me for his evening meal at the same time every day. When it was time to go to bed he would knead me for ten minutes to as long as a half hour. For some reason he could never climb our tree like the other cats. We have invisible fence so he could only be in our back yard when he wasn’t in the house. He is lovingly remembered and sadly missed.








Colt Diamondson

This is Colt, he was only a year and four months old when he crossed the bridge. He had a life full of happiness and love. His human brother was his most favorite person, he protected him in my belly and made sure to stay vigilant once he was here. Colt loved his toys so much; his favorite toy was his lamb chop that we named “lamb chop-o.” He loved to swim at the lake and dig giant holes in the yard. His favorite thing to do was cuddle me when I got home from work. Colt suffered from a neurological disorder coupled with hydrocephalus. He was never supposed to live past 6 months and he more than doubled it! Unfortunately, a series of cluster seizures took away his quality of life and brought my sweet Colt to the rainbow bridge.



Oreo Dofflemyer

My Oreo was recently cremated by Peaceful Pet Passage. (He was picked up at my home on July 15th and he passed at my home on July 13th.)Oreo was the sweetest most loyal dog ever, always by my side. He loved playing catch, running around chasing rabbits and squirrels, and carrying around his favorite stuffies while people watching. He also loved to shred his Stuffie animals. He was the smartest boy too. He could open the screen door with his paw to get in and out of the house and would boop me with his nose to get up in the morning and would paw at my leg when he wanted to go potty. He had a best friend dog named Brownie who lived next door and they would chase each other up and down the fence. I miss my boy. Not a night went by that I didn't kiss him on his head and tell him I loved him in all the 10 years he was with me. I feel like a piece of me is missing. He will always be in my heart forever.



Bart Cohen

Our beautiful 17-year-old Chinese Crested, Bart, crossed the Rainbow Bridge on July 15, 2024. We have had Bart longer than any of our senior dogs. He was smart, loving, and good. In the past several years Bart has suffered with injury, illness, and pain. He was a trooper. Run free sweet boy. We will miss you, and always love you ♥️🐾♥️.




Cali Snyder

Cali, Run fast & jump high.












Bootsie Jarman

On July 15th (2024) our sweet Bootsie crossed the rainbow bridge 😞 He was the most loving, affectionate cat. He would greet his mom every morning after she worked all night. Would not stop crying until she gave him the lovings he wanted. He would always want to try a bite of your food. Loved his late night snacks with dad. Loved going into his sister's room to see what she has in there for him. We will miss the sound of him walking through the house, his random cries for attention and most importantly his snuggles. Thank you Bootsie for loving us for over 15 years.




Samson Jones

Samson crossed the rainbow bridge peacefully at home. Samson loved to feed the fish in our pond. He would follow us to the pond to boop their noses. Sure gonna miss that ol man.






Mia Myers

Mia was our first dog, and she was the only dog I’ve ever known who liked to watch TV—dog shows, NASCAR, nature documentaries, NFL, and Red Dead Redemption were among her preferences, but her absolute favorite was Frasier. Mia was incredibly fast. She was the fastest dog in the dog park, and she loved running and feeling the wind in her fur. She also loved snuggling up with our second dog, Daphne, and wearing people clothes. Once she slipped her leash at a family farm and did her best to herd their horse and miniature donkeys into the barn. Her favorite game was basically a giant cat toy that we called Squirrel Chaser, and she could play that for hours on end. When she was older, she loved walking around our woods off-leash. But mostly she just loved being around her people. We miss her a lot.







Chunkee Davis

Chunkee, also known as Sweet girl, Chunk, Chunkers, Chunkee Monkey, Chunk a monk, and Monkey butt. She was a devoted companion to her immediate family and instantly loved everyone that would pet her. Chunkee had the biggest heart. Chunkee made friends with everyone she met. Chunkee was lovable in every aspect, from her happy growl when you walked through the door, to her insistent need to always be touching you with cuddles, and her kisses. Chunkee loved going on walks,she loved car rides especially in “her jeep”, and she loved going for ice cream. She loved being outside, whether it was eating freeze pops while people watching in the driveway or laying out in the sun. She was often referred to as a “heat whore”. Chunkee would lay as close as possible to the wood stove, she would lay in any spec of sun coming in the house, and even on the hottest of days she would always lay in the sun when outside. Some of her favorite indoor activities were licking out peanut butter jars, taking long naps, playing with her tennis balls, and ripping stuffed animals apart. Chunkee lived her best life everyday.

Princess Potteiger

I was a rescue who, crawled up on your lap, and made yourself at home. I brought all my white hair all over the house. loved to sun yourself on the deck with me. As well as our walks at AHEC, helping me stay healthy. The special treats on Sunday mornings after the bacon was made you go a little taste in your dish. Thanks for all my special treats and taking such good care of me. I know towards the end it was hard for you to help me cross over. I love you




Nina Petry

Nina was a loving and affectionate cat that always wanted to be around us. We got her and her brother when I got stationed at Fort Campbell. They were found in a black bag in 100-degree weather. We got them to keep my wife company when I got deployed. They became our kids, and we did everything for them. Her brother passed in 2020 and all of our affection went to her. Even in pain she still showed her love for us. She will be truly missed and will be the last pet we have. We love you, Nina!




Charlie Weigard

We enjoyed Charlie for 14 long years...he was a great dog and it was very clear we made the right decision as his final week proved incrementally harder for him. Side note: We discovered later that afternoon that good friends of ours in the community also used your services (the Flohrs) and it was nice to imagine our two dogs traveling together away from home. I was the main caregiver for Charlie which allowed for many interactions... in those breaks from routine to take him outside or care for him, I was able to still my mind and found myself receiving tiny lessons through Charlie that I began to log and eventually became a book. I am glad to have this memory collection of time with him.






Candy Evans

We adopted Candy when she was 2 1/2 years old. She came into our home and stole our hearts. She lived with our other little Pom (Rocky) until we lost him 3 years ago. She was given even more love than ever after that because she was our only little girl. The last 3 years have been very special, and we grew very close to her. We have had her a total of a little over 14 years of her life and it's never enough time. We will miss her terribly. Fly high little angel. We will see you again one day along with your brother. You'll always be our "Sweet Pea" and our "Miss Dandy."




Bailey King

Bailey It has been three weeks (6/18/2024) since we came to Peace Pet Passage. Bailey I love you. I got you as s rescue when you were 1 and I've loved you every day since. You were the most loyal and protective friend and every moment spent with you made me happier. From the day you came to we and we went to the creek to all the ball chasing and naps in between we had so much fun together. I remember you chasing toys in the surf at the beach and how you took up more than your half of the bed. Our last day was so much fun from eggs for breakfast to steak and sweet potatoes for lunch and our last ball playing at the park. The three weeks without you seem like three years but i know you are at peace now. I miss you so much and love you and thank you for all of our good times.


Harley "Timine" Dionne

On January 30, 2010, we adopted Harley “Timine” from the Westchester Shore Humane Society in Harrison, NY. My daughter, Gabriele wanted a pet companion and we finally agreed to adopt a kitty. Timine (French for Kitty) was one of 26 cats for adoption, and she stood out as one of the more adorable and friendly kitties. My daughter left for college and Eleanor, and I became the new parents. Timine was the best companion we ever wish for, she cuddled and stayed always closed to us. She hated traveling in the car and to her dismay, we moved from New York to Canada and PA. The rides were memorable, foaming at the mouth and all, we tried to stay compassionate, but her eagerness to get to destination was hilarious. She was good, just not a good traveler. We had nearly 15 years of unconditional love and companionship and she will be missed. Rest in peace Timine! Love you xoxo.

Emma Webb

Emma was a rescue girl. She was a sweetheart with a few challenges but thanks to our extended family, she lived her best life once she came to us. She was always sweet and loving getting along well with people and other pets. She was loved by our entire family and we feel privileged to have shared her journey through 14 years. She is dearly missed by all of us.





Roxie Freet

Some people were nervous when we rescued a pittie in 2012. The first year was a little rough with house training, but Roxie was a sweet, loving, good dog. She would snuggle on the couch with everyone, and sleep in bed with my daughter. She helped us care for 2 abandoned newborn kittens in 2013. And beginning in 2016 with our first grandchild, she proved to be affectionate and patient. She loved all 6 of her kids, especially when they shared their lunches and snacks with her! We miss her terribly. We couldn't have asked for a better dog. 🤎 RIP 5/17/24 🤎

Cassie Guise

She was always a snuggle bunny and a very lovable dog. Cassie enjoyed laying in the pool on the steps and helping take the trash out on the side by side with her Daddy. She had a special bond with our granddaughters, Summer and Georgia Mae. She will be dearly missed by the whole family.






Joy Hurley

Everyone thinks their pet is the best and I am no different. Joy was truly a great cat! I lived alone for five years and Joy was someone who helped make the house not feel so empty. Rest in peace my beloved Joy Unspeakable, you are missed more than you know. Love, Momma








Maisy Robinson

How sweet it was to be loved by you.







Teagan Tshudy

In loving memory of Teagan
Teagan came into my life by accident. I was shopping at Petco and she was always visiting with staff in the salon. Apparently she had been there approximately three months as she was adopted several times, but due to some aggressive behavior, they always returned her. We were meant to find each other. She didn’t take long to warm up to my other KitKats in the household. She actually was adopted with another cat who was at the SPCA. They had been joined buddies for all the years to follow. She ♥️ to cuddle and would come running every night when I sang “ You are my sunshine”. I remind myself the deep sorrow I have reflects the love that I shared with her. Til we meet at Rainbow bridge !



Ketchup Roman

We adopted Ketchup from Petsmart in Hanover when she was 4 months old. She was sassy from the get-go, but we loved her tortitude. From the day we brought her home, Ketchy loved draping herself over our shoulder for "shoulder time", content to be held and sometimes even fall asleep. She loved playing with her Angry Bird, Q-tips, straws and the kitchen sponge when she could swipe it from the counter. She enjoyed "private dining" in the bathroom as her mom got ready for work. Ketchup watched over and took care of her mom while she went through cancer treatment from 2023 to early 2024. We'll miss her chirps, trills, quirky personality, and the thundering sound of her footsteps as she ran spazzing from one end of the house to the other We miss you dearly, Ketchup, and love you always and forever. Play on, beautiful girl.


Rocky Benbow

Rocky was the most calm, relaxed and lovable cat. He was a go with the flow cat. He was a quiet spirit but brought a lot of love to our family for 16 years. He is greatly missed!








Willow Mueller

Willow was one of a kind. She amazed us with her intelligence. She was the center of our family and grew up alongside her human sisters. She loved jumping on the trampoline with them when they were little and eventually got her own trampoline when they grew up. She loved traveling and seeing new places. She especially loved the ocean and trying to catch seagulls. She loved her family, car rides, hiking, swimming, chasing her indestructible egg, barking, being petted, and ice cream. Willow was a loyal and strong willed girl until the end. We will forever miss seeing her waiting at the door, her cries of joy when we come home, her after dinner roll on the carpet, and her love.




Tucker Walters

Oh my sweet Tucker boy. You have left a void in my heart that cannot be replaced. You were the perfect cat. The best companion. My best friend. You were supposed to be a family cat, but when you picked me at the rescue, I knew from that moment you were my cat. All you ever wanted was to be by my side. No matter how that looked. I will miss giving you your chin scratches and your little head butts for even more affection. You were such a pur machine and could never get enough cuddles! You grew up with me and got me through so much. I don’t know where I’d be without you. The last year, and especially the last few weeks, were so hard to watch as you slowly weren’t yourself anymore. You didn’t want to play with your laser and barely ever carried your favorite string toy around the house. You were such a fighter up until the end, but you are at peace now. Letting you go was the hardest thing I’ve ever had to do. I would give anything to have you back and cuddle on my lap one last time. The past 12 years worth of unconditional love were not enough. Rest easy taco cat, you will be so incredibly missed. <3





Pappy Springer

Pappy, an American Bully came to us through a rescue. My daughter, fostered him for a weekend and I absolutely connected with this poor gentle soul. He had been abandoned. He was already a senior with so many issues but to me, he was perfect. A terrible skin condition, blind, deaf, an enlarged heart, debilitating arthritis, and so many meds! Adopting Pappy was the best thing I had ever done. Pappy needed me as much as I needed him. He was incredibly sweet, playful, and full of life regardless of his failing health. He loved being held & snuggled. He was also calm and patient. He had the most amazing bark! I never felt such love for a dog before. Pappy had my heart at day one. I look forward to seeing him again some day. I truly believe he is running happily in a field of flowers ... Love you Pappy! See you soon ❤️


Tinkerbell Klunk

Tinkerbell was one of the most amazing little balls of fur and energy i have ever met. Everyone loved her she was a pure bundle of joy. She never let her size as a Chihuahua get her down, she was always determined to keep up with her golden retriever brother. Her sweet little bark and kisses when we got home could cure any bad day and thus far life without her has been a true adjustment. At the end of the day its great to know our little best friend is out of pain and in a better place now. Until we meet again Tinker we will always love you!



Sherman Godfrey

Sherman was a kind old soul - A faithful friend - a protector and companion- the giver of unconditional love and countless kisses - an eager playmate - a brave shoulder to cry on. He loved his tire from Tractor Supply and treats of all kinds including veggies, fruits and peanut butter. He loved a game of tug of war as much as a snuggle and belly rub. Words cannot express how much we loved him, nor can the level of grief we feel over his loss be put into words. The day God created Sherman, He smiled as He knew we needed Sherman in our family as much as Sherman needed us. If the kindest souls were rewarded with the longest lives, Sherman would have outlived us all.





Misty Reynold

“Our beloved Misty Lou, forever in our hearts”







Dawn Imes

A little bit about Dawn.
She was the runt of the litter but obviously the smartest. She was very clever and quick. She once caught a fly out the air! But then released it. She was sweet and sassy. She was the biggest cuddler and also would get fussy if ignored. She loved to « work » and we are convinced she was trained by Russian hackers as she managed to change settings, open multiple windows and somehow change the language preferences on my laptop. We will always remember Dawn with love.




Maximus Watkins

This is our “gladiator” Maximus Decimus Meridius. We lived in South Georgia for his first ten years and he loved hunting in our backyard. His favorite prey were lizards and moles. One late afternoon he attempted to bite the tail off of a really big “lizard” but it got the better of him. It was a baby copperhead. Our veterinarian took her home with her and treated him all night. He came home as good as new the following day. Maximus was a little angry with us when we moved to Pennsylvania to be near the grandchildren. There weren’t any lizards and it was cold but he eventually adjusted and discovered mice, rabbits, and squirrels under our shed. He was a happy hunter again.

China Buffington

China, a Lamancha dairy goat, was the sweetest animal we ever knew. She would often “snuggle” with you and freely give kisses. She had extra small ears, which is typical to the breed. She enjoyed sunbathing and taking walks in the pasture. She shared the barn and pasture with chickens, a screech owl, and a big buddy goat. The pair of goats, spending ten years together, were as opposite as could be, but they truly loved each other. China is half of the namesake of our farm, “Two Kids At Play,” and she will be greatly missed.

Ginger Marcil

Our Sweet Ging… We rescued Ginger as a young pup 11 years ago. Over the years, she has provided our family with unconditional love, unnecessary vocal protection (gosh do we already miss those barks), and the most dedicated companionship we’ve ever known. She was our first family pet/fur baby, growing alongside our human babies, and learning how to navigate the big world with them as well. Learning that brand new cabinets are NOT chew toys, rocks do NOT belong in our mouths (ultimately she won that battle), and that the kids WILL use her as their personal teddy bears or the occasional pillow regardless of what she was doing at the time. She was always there, even if just for that quick minute she was needed for comfort. She was an amazingly loyal mom/sister to our younger pup over the last 9 years, and even took kindly to the recent addition of our feline twins just a few months ago (kitten boops and all) without ever having any interaction with cats previously. This past month has been the hardest on all of us, but especially for our sweet Ging. The most difficult decision was making that call to let you go, but we are trying our hardest to find peace in knowing that you’re no longer suffering. We Love & Miss you sososooooo much already!

Puddin Adams

Puddin was more like a dog than a cat. He followed me wherever I went in the house. He would greet you at the door when you came home from work. He would make this cute little trilling noise as he ran to the door. He just loved being with you. He would sit at the top of the couch and make biscuits in your hair. He loved sitting in your lap. He loved sitting at the sliding glass door and watch all the critters outside. He loved our Golden Retriever. He was always trying to wash her face and he loved to lay with her and make biscuits in her hair. He was the best rescue cat you could have ever asked for. I will miss his little noises he made and his beautiful blue eyes looking at me. He was one of a kind.

Lulu Goodrich

Our Lulu passed over the Rainbow Bridge on Monday June 3, 2024 at approximately 12:15 pm. She will be forever missed but she will never be forgotten. We love you Lulu and I look forward to napping on the recliner together in the future.







Sam Ellison

The pain of losing this big guy will never go away. He was such a good boy and made the biggest impact in our lives 💙 Forever would not have been long enough with our Sam 💙 Before Sam, It wasn't in our immediate plans to have a dog, then we were at TSC one day and there was a dog rescue organizing there. As we were talking to them, the wind kept blowing the page open to Sam's picture. We decided that day that maybe it was meant to be. So we decided to foster him. It didn't take us long to fall in love with this guy, and we soon adopted him and made him part of our family. He brought so much unconditional love and joy to our family. He had a way of making you smile, even on your roughest days. He was always right by our sides when we weren't feeling well to help us get through whatever it was. His kisses were the best! He enjoyed going everywhere with us, from Vacations and golf cart rides to going for coffee and a pup cup. He loved playing with toys, belly rubs, treat balls and going for walks... He surely looked forward to walks, everyday, the second you walked in the door, after a treat of course. He also loved playing football, rope, chewing on his deer antler and trying to do anything the kids did. I think sledding on his belly in the snow was the funniest thing he tried to mimic after the kids. He was always making us laugh. I will forever miss his excitement when walking back through the door and that big wagging tail, his snuggles and that cold nose in my neck to smell that I was still there by his side at night. We are so grateful to have enjoyed 10 1/2 years with him. He is greatly missed and will forever live in our hearts. Love you forever buddy❤️ Momma, daddy & sissy

Zeek Tracey

Our little man Zeek crossed the 🌈 🌉 💔💔 15 years and 10 months was not near long enough! Mommy and daddy miss you already!! Til we meet again! We love you Zeek-a-poo! 💗💕💖💔






Bruno Laycock

Bruno was a rescue we adopted while we were stationed in Germany. It’s a big deal for an American to adopt. We had to be vetted and have 3 local nationals speak for us. We were very happy to get him. He was 14 months when we got him. Came from a sad situation. He have so much to us…companionship, love. We had a pet shipper help us when we flew home to Pennsylvania. Bruno was a German Mastiff. 200 lbs. The crate for him was massive. He was the last cargo loaded and we heard him barking throughout the flight. He was the first cargo off, and we watched the handlers staring at him. He was happy herein Pennsylvania. It’s very much like Germany. We had 8 wonderful years with him. Peaceful Pet Passage gave us peace, and Bruno his dignity when he left us. Thank you!




Freddie Bupp

Freddie was the sweetest boy. He loved everyone who came through the door. He was trained for a special needs child. We will never find another as beautiful as Fred. Love you and miss you. xxx.





Bailey Hancock

Remembering our girl, Bailey. She’s been gone for a little over a year now. There isn’t a day that passes without thinking of her. She truly was the best dog a person could ask for. Everyone who met and knew her adored her. Miss you bails. 💜💜💜








Charlotte Finkbone

"Loving pets that are dearly missed."









Bristol Finkbone

"Loving pets that are dearly missed."








Jack Knull

I got Jack in 2008 newly single with a toddler daughter I wanted something that would be her best friend and boy did I get it very protective of his girls. He had the best personality and boxer wiggle but and he was my ride or die he will always have a very special place in our life and we will always miss him. We will always love you, Jack and we talk about your antics all the time!!







Chino Bonacci

Chino was such a happy puggle. He loved to snuggle up on the couch. As a puppy he would crawl under the blankets and like to snuggle by your feet. Chino loved to run up and down the yard when our neighbor would cut his grass. He would go back and forth and never get tired. Most of all Chino always knew when you needed him. No matter who it was in our family, if you were upset he was next to you , there for you always !








Lucas Wilson

Our boy Lucas chose us. Lucas loved all animals, very curious about his world, always by my side in the kitchen,of course he liked to sample what we were having for dinner, Lucas loved being outdoors, walks in nice weather, and digging when the snow fell in winter. For 12 wonderful years Lucas completed our family. Lucas had a treasure trove of toys from Santa Clause,and birthdays and just those special times when we just had to get him a little something. Lucas knew each and every toy, he retrieved from his toy box daily. Lucas passed over the rainbow bridge May 17, 2024, Lucas will always have a special place in our hearts..We loved him dearly, and he loved us...Play little one in fields of daisies and lavender, with sunshine - One day little buddy we hope to hold you again.


Rigby Hoffner

On April 25, 2008 a 9 pound bundle of fluff came into our lives and we named him Rigby. We had no idea over the next 16 years the adventures we would have and the people we would meet. My intention was to train Rigby to become a certified therapy dog. He received his TDI, CGC, and CGCA recognition. We visited area nursing homes to put a smile on the faces of residents and staff and brighten their day. Rigby also visited area libraries to participate in reading programs where children would read to him. He'd sometimes fall asleep and snore while being read to and this made the kids laugh. During COVID, I'd set up the laptop and kids would read to him via Zoom. When Rigby was around a year-and-a-half I wondered if agility would be something he might enjoy with the amount of abundant energy he had. Enjoy he did! Over the next several years Rigby achieved four agility championship titles with CPE. He also competed in UKC and C-WAGS rally obedience and C-WAGS scent work and received several championship titles in both. At home, Rigby would chase rabbits and squirrels, bark at deer, and occasionally play with his sister, Iris. When it came to fireworks, thunderstorms, and rifle shots during hunting season, Rigby wanted no part of it. He would quietly retreat to his safe place in the basement and wouldn't come back upstairs to his family until he felt the coast was clear. Throughout his senior years his vision diminished, he was diagnosed with renal failure, and it was getting more difficult for him to get around, but each morning he would walk the perimeter of the yard and bask in the sun. We are extremely blessed to have had this amazingly, awesome boy in our lives for 16 years. Run like the wind, my sweet boy. This is not goodbye. Just see you later. We love and miss you every day.
2/29/2008 - 5/10/2024

Cody Hoover

In memory of Cody
Cody, our memories with you will always hold a special place in our hearts. Your presence brought joy and comfort to our home. You've always loved eating and you have a really good appetite. I will always remember that you stared at us everyday at the dinner table waiting for us to give you some food. You were never interested in your toys, but you were very clingy and loved headpats and cuddles! You've also protected us from many dangers such as squirrels, rabbits, groundhogs and possums! We'll miss you very much, but we know it's for the best. You are free now. No more frustration, pain or suffering.We all loved you Cody. Thank you for loving us even more.

Rippley Light

DECEMBER/21/201O- MAY/8/2024
Our last night with our sweet baby Rippley that we will see you sleeping comfy in your bed next to us. We love you so much, just know that we will always hold you in our hearts and a part of us goes with you our sweet goofy majestic boy, Sir Rippley Blaze Light, 🥰😍💔❤️‍🩹❤️. We are all going to miss you so so much it hurts. We will miss your goofiness that would make us smile and laugh, the way Mom screeched when you stole her hair pony right from her head, trying to get our socks or shorts out of your tight gripped jaws after you snuck up and took them, the beautiful majestic way you would run and your you know you're gonna share that yummy food with me and the last bite is always mine puppy dog eyes we could never resist. Words can never explain what you mean to us, but we know deep down letting you go know matter how much it breaks our hearts it is the right and loving thing to do for you. Your brother Harley will be waiting to welcome you at the Rainbow Bridge and you will be able to run and play again and meet all your brothers, sisters & cousins. I promise you there will come a day your heart will tell you we're on the otherside of that rainbow bridge waiting to hug you again! We love love love you our sweet boy Rippley😇 we know you will be watching over us. Thank you for all the love and happiness you brought into our lives!

Jax Yeatts

Rest easy, Jax, you’re such a good boy. Jax provided our family with unconditional love for 16 years. By far his favorite thing to do was play ball - full of speed and always ready for the next throw. He also enjoyed hanging his head out of the window on car rides, cuddling deep under the blankets, catching bumble bees, napping in the sun and following Mom around while she did chores. Always in our hearts ❤





Ted Baptisti

Ted. Our sweet Teddy Bear. You were our baby. Spoiled more than any one dog should be. You were the perfect dog. Loving. Sweet. Affectionate. Obedient. You gave unconditional love. You helped us through the loss of a daughter. Dementia took you way too soon. Be at peace little pup. We will always love you.





Bandit Diehl

Bandit was a sweetheart who wanted nothing more than attention and love from her humans. She adored walks, even when she was too stiff and grey to go far, she’d happily trot a short distance. She loved her stuffy, which she’d bring to you at the door and throw to herself if you wouldn’t play. I’ll never forget her big eyes and fat tummy, begging for scratches. You will be missed Bandit.





Violet Mitchell

Today is 4 weeks(4/12/2024) to the day that Violet passed. It has been a very difficult time for my wife and I, however each passing day is a little easier. Violet was just not a pet, she was a family member.
As for Violet, ten years ago (2014) she was found near a McDonald's dumpster in Waldorf Maryland by my daughter Karen's husband. My son-in-law coaxed Violet with a fish sandwich. She had burn marks on her and an infection. At that time Karen was fostering kittens so naturally Violet was taken in and nursed to health. Long story short, our daughter talked my wife and I into taking Violet while she was still a kitten. We had never had a cat of our own. Violet was the sweetest and most loving and loyal creature God ever put on this earth. She was always with us no matter what part of the house we were in. She loved holidays, parties, family gatherings, neighborhood get togethers-she loved being around people and was always right there in the middle of things. Violet was also the best nap companion and she seemed to be very conscious about splitting her time equally between my wife and I. She also seemed to know when we were sick, she became even more snuggly, so much so that I would refer to her as "Nurse Paws". I never thought I could love a cat so much, but she was deserving of ever bit of love and attention we could give her. Her memory will live on with Lona and I forever. I pray I will be able to see her again in the next life, that would truly be heaven.

Mollie Potter

Mollie Potter. Your family loves and misses you so much.











Olive Troy

Olive was our Best Girl for almost 10 years. Our house feels empty without her. We hope she’s having a blast chasing all the bunnies in Heaven. 💔







Diamond Davis

You are so loved and missed by us all. You took care of us and protected us. You touched our hearts along with others. I hope you are at peace and running around up there. I hope to see you again D. Love you so much❤️





Sadie Shade

Sadie adopted us 16 years ago. She loved to play with the laser and loved to give lots of love. She will be missed.




Chewey Good

To our beloved are the best! You are so deeply missed, and you will continue to forever live on in our hearts! We love you baby girl!! ❤️🐾 4/30/2024









Phoenix Brusby

Phoenix was a fierce and sweet girl, who showed up one rainy day and went from scared and scraggly to opinionated and loving. She enjoyed sitting up high where she could look down on others and give them sassy looks. But her favorite thing to do was sit in a sunny patch protected by a patch of plants. She was almost always curled up with one cat or another and enjoyed their company over everything else. She was the first to breakfast, snack, and dinner. Though she liked to keep her distance from people, she loved a good chin scratch from time to time and being told she was the most beautiful cat in the whole world. She is greatly missed by the rest of her cat pack.




Andie Sloand

Life A.A. Or Life After Andie. She was our first dog. We got her when she was almost one year old and the rescue we chose was Homeward Bound. She was a little rough around the edges at times and didn’t have many friends, but we loved her still. On Friday, April 26(2024), we made the difficult and unselfish decision to put her down. Run free, without pain and enjoy endless head scratches. Shed to your hearts content…. We loved you as best we could. It hurts to see your bed empty. Here are a couple of pictures of your final walk, last car ride and final snuggles. We miss you, Andie girl!



Riley Evans

Riley was our first pup in our brand new house! She hated rain, but loved drinking from the rain spout. She even had me trained to turn the tub faucet on so she could get her "dwinkies" from there. When we said, "show me your belly," she would lay with her legs up in the air while you rubbed her belly. If there was a wrapper opening or a family meal being prepared, she was in close proximity. Her favorite holiday was Thanksgiving. Her dad would cook our turkeys in electric roasters in the garage, and when it came time to carve, she got a front row seat for some turkey. Over the course of her short 10 years on this earth, she welcomed 5 additional dogs, and for the most part, they always got along other than some minor sibling quarrels. Riley was a very chill dog. She loved everyone she met and was content just being where we were, laying around. We miss her so very much and can't imagine our lives without her. Rest in peace, Riley Roo Evans. You're a healthy puppy again and aren't suffering any more. We love you forever and will never experience the level of happiness you brought us with your kisses and personality.

Lola Bowers

10/15/2006 - 4/25/2024
Lola "boo-boo", "beans", you were amazing. You were the best, playful and mischievous puppy when I got you, with endless energy but a super sharp mind. I was so proud of how you could learn any trick in hardly no time at all. I always said how adorable you looked with your ears being almost like pigtails, perfectly framing your face. I never thought the puppy I got as a 20 year old would be my best friend until I was 38, married with kids. You went with the flow through all of our life changes- travelling, moving houses, babies being born, losing your doggy brother Lincoln, gaining a new family after divorce and most of all, adjusting to life with a body that wouldn't let you run around anymore. You handled this life with such grace and stubbornness this last year. My little shadow, how I miss you. But I hope you are using that beagle nose to smell all the wonderful, sweet things where you are now, in a body with legs that move like they were meant to, and eyes that can see clearly. Run and play with all your friends over there until I see you again. It's hard to believe that 17 years was not long enough. You did good little girl.

Noah Guzman-Nieves

On April 24, 2024 we had to put my best friend to rest. I got Noah when he was 8 months old. He loved to play fetch and cuddle with all of us. He would get along with all of the other dogs when we went to the dog park. He truly was our best friend. He will forever be missed.





Ace Minter

Ace was the sweetest boy and gave the most unconditional love to his brother and me. I will never forget him and our snuggle time. On April 23rd(2024), I said goodbye to my sweet boy Ace. Even though he was 14 years old he had the best personality. At night he would just fall asleep right beside me and cuddle like crazy. I adopted him from the rescue I work at and it was the best decision I ever made. He came from a horrible situation and watching his personality come out was just amazing when he came into my home. You brought so much joy to your brother and I and I am so grateful for that. Ace was the sweetest boy and gave the most unconditional love to his brother and me. I will never forget him and our snuggle time. Rest easy, sweet boy and know that I love you unconditionally.




Bentley Himmelwright

Today was hard (4/23/2024). Like, really hard. Bentley was our first baby. He was the second smallest in a litter of nine, but he had the biggest personality. And while I was struggling to pick which puppy would be ours, he made it easy by choosing us. Fitting completely in Brett’s hand, calmly licking his fingers, he claimed his family. For almost 18 years he was there for everything; RV trips to the racetrack, plane rides to the beach, lounging in the pool, or his favorite activity which was just roaming around and sniffing his world. He was with us for births, deaths, marriages, divorces and graduations. Over the last year, he slowed down, losing his sight and hearing. His younger sister, Rocky, stepped up to be his seeing eye cat, rarely leaving his side. But he got tired. And he let us know it was time. Bentley Moosie Himmelwright, you were the best boy, the best puppy, our Mr. B. And we will miss you terribly.

Corby Hockenberry

Corby, you stole my heart since you were born. You scooted your little self over to me even before your sweet eyes were able to see the world. From then on we were stuck like glue, my little man, we made countless memories over the last 13 almost 14 years. Myself and so many more were blessed with your unconditional love and loyalty. Always a happy boy and welcomed all the pets and loves from our friends. You were a part of so many milestones and were the best comfort on my toughest days. The day we had to say goodbye to you was by far the hardest of them all, you’re so greatly missed. I take comfort in all the memories we shared, knowing you’re at peace, out of pain and having the best time chasing all the ballies with your puppers family over the rainbow bridge in heaven. We love you so much. You were the very bestest and sweetest boy, until we meet again.

Bronson Slagle

“Bronson, you were truly my best friend and savior during a difficult time in my life. My mind still talks to you and my heart still looks for you but my soul knows you are finally in peace. I love and will miss you always, Bronson- enjoy the rainbow bridge. ❤️













Sadie Winters

Last Tuesday (4/16/2024), we lost our beautiful girl Sadie at 13 years and 8 months. She was the best pup ever. Loved her brother who we lost a few months ago to pieces. She loved her stuffies and usually had a pile around her. She loved to go to the beach and loved to go out on the boat. We will miss her quirky personality, her snoring, and her kisses. We will love and miss her forever. RIP baby girl.





Max Thompson

In memory of Max🤍
He was my best friend and rock for 7 wonderful years. He was the goofiest, sweetest, sassiest boy. Max was the definition of a velcro dog. He loved his mama, pup cups, and blankets more than anything. Sweet Maxi was a light during my darkest days. I couldn’t have asked for a better companion. We will miss you forever, sweet boy.





Andy Tawadrouse

Here are some photos of Andy when he was a baby and when he grew up. I remember my sister and I trying to take him on a walk when he was young, but he got loose off his leash and we had to lure him back home with hot dogs. I also remember he chewed all of our shoes when he was just a puppy! I’ll miss him, but the memories I have of him are timeless. Thank you for honoring him.





Tucker Fisher

Tucker was roughly 13-14 years old. Black lab/American Bull dog mix. He was my brother in laws doggo from day one, but after a few years, he had to rehome him (his wife didn’t enjoy dogs. but shhh, don’t add that part). Once we found out, we took him in a heartbeat! He was always so excited when me and Josh would visit their house, before we took him in, so it was a no brainer! He was such a gentle giant! Great with our kiddos and our other animals (we have other dogs, cats, pigs, chickens, ducks and 2 human babies!) Tuck was also the first dog that my husband and I adopted together! The big boy loved to play fetch with the same ball he had had from his pup years, which we buried along with him.. not sure what else to say without bringing myself to tears. He was a wonderful companion and we loved him to the core.


Porter Merriman

Porter. Porter Puppy. Porty. Porty Potty.
He was the best of boys. Porter was 9.5 when he passed on April 15th(2024). He was diagnosed with osteosarcoma only five days before and it killed us to make the decision. I brought him home when I was 19 and I had the privilege of having him by my side while I grew into the woman that I am. I swear that he and I were meant to be together. He was there when I graduated college. When I moved out on my own. When I got married and then had a baby. He was there laying next to me when I was sleep deprived and up every night with a newborn. When we moved again. When I lost a family member. Anytime I was worried about anything. He was there for me through everything. He was so insanely smart. My husband and I always joke that he was probably a human in a dog's body because his level of intelligence was unbelievable. Porter was my soulmate. My velcro boy. So intensely loyal and protective of our little family but me especially. I could not do a single thing alone. But we both liked it that way. And when it was just him and I at home, he NEEDED to have his arm on mine. And although I'll never see his face turn white or put a silly birthday hat on him for his tenth birthday, I'm so grateful that I got to love him for nine years. We will continue to love and miss this perfect boy for the rest of time.

Lucy Duncan

On April 9th, 2024 my baby girl Lucy went to be with her sister Ethel who passed away 2 years ago. I hope they are playing and chasing each other. My heart is broken but knowing Lucy is in a better place makes it more bearable that she will not suffer. I miss her laying in my lap every night while watching television and being in bed with me at night. She was a love bug! Had to be snuggled up with you wherever you were. I loved her so much and will miss her dearly. I can't say enough for how grateful I am for Peaceful Pet Passage coming to my home. They were absolutely wonderful and made Lucy’s passing so calm and peaceful as she laid in my lap. I love you Lucy girl! Mom

Toby Erickson

My sweet boy Toby and I had 20 wonderful years together. He was quite the character, and everyone loved him. I miss my morning kisses and the gentle touch of your paw on my face. I love you sweet boy until we meet again.






Zelda Dobrosky Henry

Zelda Katherine Henry passed away on April 12. (2024). Zelda was a 15-year-old Himalayan we adopted from the York SPCA in 2014 and was once named the cutest cat in the Susquehanna Valley by Style Magazine. She had a unique grumpy face, a curly belly and beautiful blue eyes that made people smile. She loved Temptations treats, sunbeams, a heated bathroom floor and wet cat food. She hated being brushed, getting her toenails clipped and being held. In her younger years she had zoomies in the evening, slept on her back and spent nights on the bed. My husband and I loved her dearly and will miss her grumpy face. She was quite famous among our friends, and we received a huge number of expressions of sympathy upon her passing.



Bella Wills

The pictures say enough 😊







Alice Taylor-Fahnestock

Alice was a loyal companion for 14 years, as a puppy she was very mischievous and headstrong. As an adult she became a constant shadow, she was always by my side. She was a large part of our family and will be greatly missed. She was a good little sister to her big brother Buddy, whom we lost in October 2021, now they are playing together in heaven.









Maverick Strayer

My husband and I had to say goodbye to our side-kick, Mr. Maverick on April 12, 2024. More than 13.5 yrs ago, Paul found three siblings on Worthy Tails Animal Rescue’s website. Although I wasn’t ready for another pet (losing our first dog 5 mths prior), we made a visit. Maverick was the “runt” of the litter, but he bonded instantly with me and the rest is history. Thanks, Buddy, for all the memories and you were loved by so many. We were certainly blessed with the best. 04/24/2010 - 04/12/2024






Bella Ridgley

Our precious Bella Roo loved playing ball!! She is a one of a kind . Her personality was strong willed , loyal and very protective with love. She also had a goofy side to her. We have some wonderful family memories with our girl!!! We now know she can run and play fetch again like she always loved. Rip our sweet girl . You are forever in our hearts💗💗










Brodie Ford

We have way too many memories of our beloved Brodie to share.








Mama Cat Henning

Mama Cat was the sweetest, most perfect cat. She loved sleeping on your lap! She was, believe it or not, a food thief until the very end, but only because she loved to feed her people. She would steal food and call up the other cats to share the bounty. She was a true Mama, always feeding everybody! And she loved to stick her tongue out…not sure why, but she looked so goofy while doing so! We already miss her so much!




Henry King

Henry taught us the meaning of unconditional love and the joy he brought to us every day.. blind from birth we watched Henry find his way and live his best life. Thank you for everything,




Keni Pitz

In loving memory of Keni.
Keni was a kitten who became attached to me throughout my life and chose me to be her owner. She lived to be 17 years old. Keni loved following me around my parent's house as well as later my own apartment. She helped me get through my mom's passing during the pandemic. She loved going on walks on her leash, sleeping in her cat beds, kneading freshly baked bread in the morning and chasing her brother around. She always had something to say with her cute trills and Princess like attitude. Keni will be forever remembered in my heart and never forgotten. Thank you Keni for choosing me to be your owner. I will see you again one day sweat pea.







Bella McCutcheon

Bella was 13 year old when she crossed the rainbow bridge last week(3/29/2024). She was the smallest dog but stood firm as queen of our household not only because she maintained order when the other dogs played too rough, but mostly because the thing she loved most was sitting on a STACK of pillows. She could easily require 4 pillows to sleep! As a puppy we would smuggle her into soccer games in the pocket of our hoodies. She had an energetic spunk and crazy little smile that made everyone laugh. She was given to Sam as a present, but Bella chose Mom as her owner and became her shadow, She loved Camping, but as she was a queen, required her own throne at the fire ring, or to stay inside eating her favorite meal, Cheeseburgers. We will all miss her dearly, but she is in good hands in heaven being cared for by all our angelic human and canine companions. Go in peace until we meet again!

Sassy Ziegler

Sassy was amazing. Spontaneously weird and funny. She loved to drink from the sink or any running water source. She also loved to sneak up and lay on you while you’re asleep. She’s already missed so much.








Izzie Aderhold

Izzie Doodle Aderhold was our 16 year old Puggle. She brought us so much joy and 16 years wasn’t long enough to love her as much as she loved us. She got us through hard times with her unconditional love and unconditional begging for human food ❤️🐾. We will miss her forever 🙏🏻💔🐾





Tink Clark

Tink was the best cat, full of mischief and affection. Her presence in our home was like a constant companion, always trailing behind us and greeting us at the door when we’d get home. Despite the abundance of water dishes scattered throughout our home, Tink would find the empty ones, and sit in protest until they were filled. Not only was she a beloved member of our family, but she was the big sister to our two chihuahuas. She’d give them baths, snuggles, and endless playtime. Her absence leaves a void in our hearts, and her memory will be cherished dearly.




Chloe Landes

Chloe was our amazing American Bulldog we adopted 14 years ago at the age of 12 weeks old. Shes was loved by all her met her, she was truly perfect. Chloe loved soccer balls, walks with her dad and all animals she met. Baby kittens were her favorite but she also befriended lots of feathered friends who came to visit and hang by the pool. She always greeted everyone tail wagging and friendly barks in her later years after she lost her hearing. We will love and cherish our memories with our Chloe girl forever 💖
Rip sweet girl Chloe McCorkle Landes
Bark free my love






Murphy Mueller

Murphy passed away March 30, 2024. Murphy would have been 11 in June. Murphy was a loyal and passionate family member that loved to swim, be outside, and retrieving. Murphy always knew when to be there for you. Murphy had a nose for birds, and such a protective and gentle soul. We miss and love you very much Murphy.





Spirit Sorg

2/28/07 - 3/25/24
Forever in my Heart. Always loyal, Always loving. You made a big impact on my life. Always there when I needed you. You will be missed beyond measure. RIP my baby, my best friend and companion ❤️




Rascal Keller

We were so blessed to have you in our lives for over 19 years. You earned your name, Rascal, as a small pup and lived up to it until your last days. You were so much fun, were so loyal, and loved strutting after getting groomed or brushed. You knew you were a handsome boy! We know you are running and playing again with your beautiful white hair blowing in the breeze. We love and miss you so much precious Rascal. We will meet again one day.




Tessa Fishel

Tessa was our "failed foster" because my husband and I couldn't let her spend her remaining days without a loving family. We adopted her at 12 years old and she definitely still had some puppy in her. She loved going after a ball, the last bite from the dinner table, and she always wanted to be in the midst of the action which was usually right in the middle of the kitchen floor. Her favorite treat was ice cream (or anything dairy!) Her favorite activity was going on walks in the evening, no matter the state of the weather, she was always fired up to go sniff out all the smells. We miss her dearly and there's definitely a paw-shaped hole in our hearts.










Elvis Perkins

Elvis came to us from FL, he was the pup of my husband’s sister. Sadly she passed and Elvis came to his new home in PA. He and our pups made good friends quickly. He loved playing and fetching his tennis ball, he was fast. He also enjoyed prancing around the house/yard with any squeaky toy he could find and chasing rabbits. He always met us when we came home with his famously loud bark and tail wagging. He was a great boy and will be missed. We hope he's back with his Mom and playing fetch again with no pain and not a care in the world💕




Chloe Kelley

The Kelley Girls
Chloe “Bun Bun” Kelley passed away peacefully at home surrounded by her loved ones on March 22, 2024. Born September 10, 2005, she was rescued from a farm before being sent to the SPCA. Chloe was known as the softest kitty in the world. She loved to sleep on fuzzy blankets and her human’s laps. Chloe didn’t let just anyone get close to her. You had to earn her love. But once she accepted someone in her life (humans and cats) you could expect a lot of cuddles and smoothies. She had an especially strong bond with her human sister, Elyse, as she was Elyse’s first cat. Chloe wasn’t much of a “talker” until she got to an older age and found her favorite toy, a catnip carrot. She would howl until her humans came to see her with her “hunt”. Chloe was preceded in death by her younger brother, Oliver. She is survived by her feline siblings, Penelope Lane, Franklin Oliver and Leonardo Winston. She is also survived by her devastated human sisters, Elyse Peyton and Celia Grace and her broken-hearted mother, Kristy Lee.

P. K. Finnen

One Little Cat is Gone
One little cat is gone
The world keeps churning on
Some would think I’m deranged
My life has forever changed

One little cat is gone
What can I begin to say
Maybe by the end of May
I will see a brighter day

One little cat is gone
Her glare I will no longer see
Her purr when on my knee
Her paw as she gives it to me

One little cat is gone
My chest strains from the pain
I feel her tiny spirit
As we sit and watch the rain

One little cat is gone
Her name is P.K.
What a Pretty Kitty
Forever I will say

Halo Rose Richmond

Halo Rose
Born June 24, 2010
Rescued: June 2018
Passed: March 19, 2024
The day we met her she smiled and immediately took to her (at the time) very young new human brothers. She loved bath time, creek days with the family, the beach, and sleeping with her human brothers. Her hobbies included chewing wooden furniture and blankets, as well as busting out of her kennel. She kept us on our toes and was very spunky for her old age, right up to her last day. She leaves behind 3 human brothers, Mom, Dad, and a sister-dog. She is missed tremendously. We rescued her, but she rescued our family.

Guinness Butler

Guinness was a sweet boy. Always happy to see people, loved anyone that was around him, and just a terrific boy. He loved his walks, car rides, and sitting in the backyard on a summer afternoon just chillin with us. He will be extremely missed. Everything around us reminds us of him. He was so loved and we know he loved us. RIP our sweet boy.






Charlie Rynard

Charlie was a wonderful buddy to my husband & me, everyone loved him. He will be missed everyday.







Dandelion DeNofrio

We were very saddened by our dog’s passing but grateful indeed that Dr. Mary was able to come to our home. Dandy hated going to the vet and riding in the car. Allowing her to be in the comfort of home made our difficult choice much less stressful for all of us. Dandelion is in her favorite spot i this photo. Always by our side for 15 years, she was a wonderful dog.







Bogey Noel

This is in memory of Bogey who is known to us as Mr. Man. Bogey was already an old boy, about 11, when he came to us. He turned out to be the opposite of what they told us in character. We were told he was quiet and good with cats. He was not. He came to us right before the lockdown started and bonded closely with me so that when it was time to go back to work, he had to come with me or he’d start howling and crying. He became my constant companion. Last July I had some medical issues, and he ran his last race but a couple months after he passed he sent me a dream. He was sitting on a riverbed. I was on the opposite shore and the river was rushing fast. I was trying to find a place to cross but stumbled upon an oyster bed and came away with 18 pearls of all sizes and colors. I believe it was him telling me that he was good and alright, and it wasn’t just a dream. Take care Mr. Man; I’ll see you when I get there. We Love You!

Sunnie Kepler

"Sunnie was the sweetest dog we have ever had. She loved everyone, and loved to travel with us. We will miss her forever."







Mylo Groff

We took Mylo in after my husband’s aunt passed away. He was a great addition to our family. He was the only cat I know that loved baths. You could fill the bathtub with water and he would jump in and lay down in it. We added 2 puppies to our house and they quickly became best friends. He also thought he was one of them. In the morning before my husband left for work they would all 3 sit and wait for treats. We are going to miss him but he is back with my husband’s aunt and I’m sure they are both happy to be reunited.




Manny Bressi

Manny was my quirky best friend for the last twelve years. He rarely wanted to sit too close - he’d rather have his space and reach out his paw so we could hold hands. He was always ready for a walk. Few people know my name, but everyone knew Manny. I miss you, buddy. RIP








Charlie Casciotta

Charleston was not your typical cat. He loved people and wanted to be in their lap being petted and always returned a loving purr. He always made us laugh with the funny things he did. He is terribly missed by all who knew him. Even though he is not here, his spirit is present with us in our home. We loved him as much as he loved us.








Luka Dean

In loving memory of Luka, a faithful companion who graced our lives with fifteen years of unwavering love and joy. From that first moment so many years ago, we welcomed you into our home and into our hearts. Your gentle purrs, comforting presence, and playful antics brought warmth to our hearts every day. Through moments of happiness and times of sadness, you remained a constant source of comfort and solace, teaching us the true meaning of unconditional love. We are truly grateful for the unwavering bond that you and Maw Maw had during the last several years. You were her best friend and companion and brought her so much happiness. As we bid farewell to you, know that you will never be forgotten. Your memory will live on in the countless memories we've created, the love we shared, and the bond that will never be broken. Though you may no longer be by our side, your spirit will continue to guide us, reminding us of the beauty and love that you brought into our lives. Rest in peace Luka, knowing that you were deeply loved and will always hold a special place in our hearts. Until we meet again, may you find eternal peace and happiness over the rainbow bridge.

Ralphie Bechtel

From the very first day we saw our little puppy at 10 weeks old, a little ball of white fluffy fur with his apricot ears, to the very last day of taking his last breath, he brought so much joy to our family. Ralphie was so loyal. Always by our sides, always keeping his eye on us. He loved his dad because he was the snack king, and of course riding the 4 wheeler together. Ralphie loved his mama because she was the snuggler and her work from home side kick. Of course he loved his sisters who always gave him the best hugs, kisses and taking him bye byes. Unfortunately his illness came quickly and although he was coming up on his 14th birthday, we never thought we would have to let go so quickly. Letting go was so hard, but afterward in our day to day routine is the hardest of all. The tail wags, the kisses, his little paws running to greet us, his puppy dog stare and his little nose nudge when he wanted extra love. We know our little Ralphie is in heaven running free and without pain. And I am sure he is showing all the Angels his tricks of rolling over, spinning and high fives and of course lots of snuggles. Our house is so empty now, but our hearts are so full of love and memories. Someday we will be together again. Until then, we will hold tightly to the memories and the paw prints Ralphie left on our hearts. We love you Ralphie and we miss you so much!






Bella Adams

Bella Adams was 15 years old and was my first “baby”. She loved playing in snow, water, and ball. She was protective and loving and the best companion I could have asked for. She was born in Spring Grove but moved with her family to Massachusetts for 4 years then to New Hampshire for 7 more years just to love right back to her roots. She is missed EVERY day!







Nittany Bollman

Nittany, a beloved French Bulldog, born on July 4, 2011, has crossed the Rainbow Bridge, leaving behind cherished memories and an indelible paw print on our hearts. Nittany exuded boundless joy through her love for playing, car rides, and savoring every delectable morsel of food that came her way. Her playful spirit brought laughter and warmth to all who had the privilege of knowing her. She leaves behind her devoted fur brothers, Max and Triton, and her adoring fur sister, Abcde, who shared countless adventures and affectionate moments together. Though Nittany's physical presence may be gone, her spirit will forever live on in the hearts of those who were fortunate enough to be touched by her unconditional love and loyalty. Rest in peace, dear Nittany. You will be deeply missed, but your memory will continue to bring us comfort and joy. Love Always, Mom, Dad and your human brothers and sisters.

Cara Dodd

Cara Dodd ,was a woderful dog, she will always be in our hearts. She is a brittany. She was born Nov 11th 2007.  She was put to sleep on March 4th 2024 due to she was having seizures. Cara lived for 16 yrs which was a long time for her.  She was a very friendly and loving dog, we miss her but she will always be in our hearts and never forgotten. We love you and miss you Cara, (we hated to separate and say our goodbye)







Autumn Jordan

Hi. I’m Autumn. I died on February 26 (2024). But What is important is my story. Born in late December 2009. My brother and I had 2 humans adopt us. We were both the runts of the litter. We came in February during the biggest ever storm. Didn’t see grass for a long while. We got bigger and played together a lot. At 2, my brother started having a lot of seizures. Didn’t stop us. We played everywhere. Even went to OBX. Loved the ocean and sand. Hunter had most of the attention cause he had seizures. Then my humans got divorced. Went with dad. Still went to OBX a lot. Then dad found a friend. But still more OBX and a big new fence to run In. Then Hunter had more and more seizures. Sadly he had to cross the bridge in February in 2017. But now I got all the attention. Dad and his friend split up. But now I went with him to OBX, OC, Codorus. Play with little human grandkids. At playgrounds and in the snow. Long walks with my dad. As. Got older , then I became a therapy dog at 11. So much fun. I made all kinds of people feel special and be comforted. And went with my dad and his friends to many places. Charleston, Frederick, And Grantham. Went to the Poconos with dad and his son and the little humans. But at 14 , I was getting pretty old. My kidneys started to fail. My dad tried everything to save me along with a lot of special people. But I was just too old now .I was so tired and just wanted to go home to heaven. So my dad and some friends took me to the coolest place so I could go comfortably and In peace. My dad stayed with me till the end. But I had the most glorious life . And was a therapy dog too. I can see my brother and all of my dad’s other golden dogs too. And we are all new now and run and play and swim . So be a little sad for me; but remember I had the best ever full life ever. And I will see my dad again someday.

Patches Ripley

Patches Ripley
- Born 04/23/2011
- Died 02/28/2024
AKA: Patchipoo, Pooh We got Patches at 8 weeks old, she was our first Basset. She was a great four legged child, But she did things on her terms, only gave kisses when she wanted, no snuggles unless she wanted it.Did not like her paws to be touched and don't look at her ears would shake her head after being touched.. One thing she loved doing when she was younger was playing ball, and also loved being brushed. Loved her chicken, venison and her love of cheese. She never pooped or pee in the house even at 8 weeks old. She was our protector and she would let you know if she did not like you whether dog or human. The softest fur I have ever felt on a dog. We will miss her dearly but we know it was her time of no pain and activate those beautiful ears for wings to go to the Rainbow Bridge and run free. Our other Basset Daisy is keeping us busy. She is also sad to see her sister go.

Millie Holmes

In loving memory of Millie ❤
Mildred Christmas Holmes, but always known as Millie; nibbler of any rubber dog toy, the noisy fur-neighbor that watched everyone’s business and her daddy’s service dog, died on February 29, 2024. She was 7 years, 4 months and 18 days old. Millie was born a Pennsylvania girl, but was adopted when she was the runt and last of the litter at twelve weeks old. She was born to protect her daddy, and did it every chance she could. If he fell or got dizzy, she’d sit with in his area until he told her he felt better. She’d even clue us that his sugar needed checking, even though she never received special training for it, she knew. She always declared herself the package inspector at our location; any box delivered, any groceries, had to be sniffed throughly to see if there were any offerings for her (and there always was). For years, she pretended that the two liddles (grandchildren) Isabella and Ian did not exist, but eventually gave in and liked them, coming to the phone anytime she heard one of the liddles ask where’s Millie? She loved eating food (chicken and PB yogurt ice cream), treats, grass, sky raisins (flies) and bright little bugs – and the occasional potted plant or piece of mail or magazine left unattended. In her twilight years, her favorite thing to do was to sunbathe by the sliding doors and watch for the birdies. Then in the last few months, she loved to wake up mom and take frequent middle of the night bathroom breaks, only to go sit outside, sniff the sniffs and look at the moon (and mom did it without complain or question, doing anything to make her happy). And when she could no longer walk that far, she perfected the art of army crawls if she needed to get somewhere fast, or walking in her Millie strut when she’d go outside. She also mastered the sit and spin position when she had an itch she couldn’t reach, giving her humans the sign she needed emergency skritches. She had big paws and an even bigger heart. She was a good girl.

Lucy Workinger

Lucy was one in a million and I will miss her so much. She loved everyone, greeted people at the door, lived life to the fullest and even non cat people loved her right back! I’m blessed to have had her in my life ❤️








Dixie Lentz

In memory of Dixie ❤️
You were our favorite hello and our hardest goodbye. My sweet baby girl, we were blessed with 14 years. You always had a way to brighten our day. Unfortunately, we lost the battle to oral melanoma cancer after 16 months of fighting but we sure did love you and spoil you. She was by far the best dog you could ask for with such an affectionate personality. She was full of energy and loved to run and chase birds even on her last day. She was always so happy to meet new people and loved to be with her family, even if she thought she was a lap dog and she was not. She always loved to be in your face or on your lap to get as much attention as possible. She was so kind and gentle with our two boys and showed them the purest form of love. We couldn’t have asked for a better dog. We will love you and miss you forever our Dixie Doodle! ❤️🕊️

Chino Keck

Tribute to Chino Keck, passed on 02-23-2024.
Our Sweetie Boy, with us 13 ½ years of his 14 ½ year life. We rescued him, only to be rescued by him. He was always ready for an outdoor adventure walk. He was quite the hunter, although never with a gun as he did not like loud noises. He flushed grouse and rabbits, treed a 200# black bear and cruised in the Pick-up at Kamp, looking for Deer. Snuggled in Bed, and was a favorite to follow Daddy constantly.
Hugs & Kisses For Ever & Ever – Mommy & Daddy
(Thank you Jesus for our little Boy)




Miley Alwine

Our sweet Miley girl. She was so full of good energy. Miley brought so much life and light into our lives. She was the best companion, watch dog & big sister to our little girl. Our home will never be the same without our frisbee loving, Jeep riding, popcorn begging, hyper but loving girl. Until we meet again, Miley Sue. Give Grandma a hug for me. xoxo






Chocolate Taliano

Chocolate was always a loving and a good boy. He enjoyed chasing squirrels, playing with his toys, eating snacks and cuddling with his family. Chocolate was always full of energy when he would see us everyday, when we would get home from work, grocery shopping or waking up in the morning. He was an amazing and irreplaceable dog that was loved dearly by everyone around him and he will be missed and his good memories will be thought about for the rest of our lives. We love you Chocolate! ❤️











Luna Brown

Our sweet Luna ended up passing away at home with us holding her. I hope she felt all the love and worry we filled the room with. We are truly grateful though that we had her in our lives for almost 16 years. She gave us the best cuddles and kisses. Our little Sweetums loved to run and patrol the yard..She would fetch all day if you let her. We took the pups on lots of fun adventures!! She loved to camp so much. I think she loved it because of all the food she would get to eat.♡ And on the boat fishing she tried to go after each cast! She just LOVED the sunshine. Oh and she was feisty too!! She would put her sister Sprouty in her place when she needed too. I truly believe she was my furry soulmate! I love her with all my heart. Here are some of my favorite photos of her♡


Bear Madonna

Here’s my angel. May he finally rest in peace. Back in 2016 I adopted this sweet boy when I lived in Michigan. The moment we met, he laid right on top of me and I knew immediately I was going to take him home. He has stuck by my side through multiple moves and all the highs and lows of the last 8 years together. We’ve had countless road trips, and EVERYBODY loved him. He became everyone’s dog! If for some reason I couldn’t bring Bear to a certain event people would be so disappointed. He was the most sweetest boy and certainly was a mama’s boy. I will always and forever miss his unconditional love and our adventures for the rest of my life.



Barkley Miller

In memory of Barkley. What a great family dog you were. You loved our boys and greated any visitors or neighbors with lots of licks and head nudges. You loved to swim and play outside in the summer with the hose, sprinkler, baby pool... Ripping up stuffed toys, greenies treats, and playing with your brother were a few of your favorite things.
Reunited with brother Remmy & Aunt Blair 2-20-24 🌈 🌉



Jake Martin

I wish everyone was lucky enough to have a cat like Jake. He was the sweetest, most loving cat I've ever met. Anyone could walk into my house, and he would be on their lap within 5 mins rubbing his cheek all over them before nestling in their lap. He definitely had no concept of personal space and wanted to be where I was at all times. I never expected to be Jake’s hooman. When I first bought my house, I wanted a Maine Coon. But when my mom’s friend lost her mother suddenly and didn’t know what to do with her 12 year old cat, fate brought us together. He got me through some rough times (looking at you 2020) and made my house a home right away.





Lola Shade

We got Lola when she was 7 weeks old. She loved to sleep in our bed between my husband and I. She also loved to lay on my chest and give lots of kisses. She will be forever missed.




Jinx Smith

Jinx when he was about 5-6 months old. He was going to be a companion for my mother in law. My husband was looking for a gray tiger, however when my husband looked at the kittens, An orange tabby cat was the only that came out from under the bushes to greet n nudge his new best friend. Jinx had a rough start with my mother in law. The first night he was with her she accidentally caught him with the wheel chair. Jinx went n hid behind the refrigerator. The next morning we got a call from my sister in law saying Jinx was scratching my mother in law all night, however he was kneading or making biscuits. I knew we had to go get Jinx to add to our family. They were not cat people & really didn’t understand a cat’s life style. Jinx adjusted well to our family & 2 other cats. Jinx was a very sweet adorable little fur baby!!! Jinx would always come out to the living room to check on my husband & I. He would do a complete circle around the coffee table to check on us & give us a loving nudge. He was never mean or nasty. He got along from day one with our other cats. Jinx was 1 of the 3 original cats we had together. Jinx played as long as he could before the kidney failure made him go down hill fast. Jinx loved us till the very end. He loved having milk(sippy) every morning after eating his breakfast. Jinx would always come out when he heard snack bags being opened, he liked licking the salt. Jinx loved bacon, he could always smell it cooking & would come to get some, he ate this up until he passed away. My husband & Jinx were best buddies!!!!! Jinx was also known as bubba & sweet pea. He slept on the bed every night beside me!!!! Our house feels so empty without our little bubba. Thankful PPP, you made Jinx’s passing very calm & relaxing!!! It was very hard parting from him. We love jinx(bubba, sweetpea) We will NEVER forget you!!!!! Rest in peace little buddy until we see u in heaven!!!!!

Leonardo Daniels

We adopted Leo at age 12 along with his bonded partner Lauren. We knew we would not have much time with them but wanted to give them the best life possible after spending their entire lives in a shelter. They both had multiple failed adoptions and were never going to find a forever home. But both of them flourished at our house! Leo was like a big brother to not only Lauren but our other cats too. He made sure everyone got along and felt safe. He made sure we fed them on time by meowing when it was close to dinner. He licked and cleaned everyone while they waited for dinner to be served. And he was always willing to let anyone snuggle up with him. He was like the favorite grampa of our cat family. Everyone loved him and he will be sorely missed by all. We love you Bud Bud!


Max Vonstein

Max was the sweetest most loving dog that will be greatly missed. He loved opening presents at Christmas and his birthday. We hope he gets all the pizza and frenchy fries, naps with your pillow pet and get to chase all the bunnies and squirrels in doggy heaven.





Hoss Crystal

“Hoss passed away at approximately 14.5 years of age. He joined our family around 2 years of age after being bounced around between a couple of rescues and at least one shelter. In his younger years, he had springs in his legs and would fly through the air in his backyard. He changed minds, and melted hearts. My parents fell in love with pit bulls because of him, and became advocates. We miss him immensely, and am so grateful for the long life he had with us. We love you forever Hossy Bossy! ❤️”


Louie Welsh

Our Louie was with us for 8 years and 9 days. He was a typical bulldog who made us laugh and smile. Louie enjoyed short car rides, belly rubs, long walks in the winter, cheese, our bed, and playing tug-of-war. Although a little stubborn at times, he was a loveable companion who would sit at the window waiting for us to come home. He was diagnosed with cancer in January, and we had the tumor removed at the end of the month. Sadly, there were more issues that what we knew, and he passed on 2/17/24. He is greatly missed as the house just isn't the same without hearing the snores during his naps and the happy prancing of his little paws when he was in a playful mood. We love you Big Lou.



Rita Dwayer

Our Rita girl was put down last Thursday 2/15(2024). She was almost 12 years and the best girl ever. Rita loved eating, spending time with her family and sleeping. She especially loved kids, she always did live up the pitbull nickname “nanny dog.” She was our best friend and such a huge part of our family and we will forever miss her. Thank you.





Cabo Wabo Johnson

Cabo loved to go for car rides, going on walks, staring out the window at the neighborhood with his brother Rory, housesitting with his uncle Tim, visits with his grandparents, supervising his mom at work and then being a cuddle bug with her as she read a book.








Sadie Rose Rostad

4/9/14 - 2/15/24
Sadie Rose was a larger-than-life presence, she brought so much joy and love into our lives and our home. She was very spoiled; she loved chasing squirrels, cuddles with us and her furry siblings, long naps on the couch, and anything edible, especially carrots! She was fiercely protective of those she loved, and she will forever be missed.








Pebbles Mohabir

Pebbles was the most sweetest loving fur baby I could've asked for. She was born on March 14, 2008 and left us on February 13, 2024. She was cremated on February 14th, on Valentine's day. Valentine's day would never be the same, she gave us a full 15yrs of her life of love joy and happiness 😊 Pebble's and my girls grew up together. She almost made it for her 16th birthday 🎂. Here are some beautiful pics of her. Thank you again 💖 💕




Semi Menke

Our Semi Girl! Thank for being our girl for 15 years. We miss you horribly! Love you Sem girl! ❤️









Ruby Straub

Ruby was a very lovable and sweet pitty. She never knew how to control her licker and absolutely loved people. She was always so happy to meet new people and snuggle them. She always loved to be in your face getting attention or whipping you with her tail. Ruby will be missed by all.








Simba Panchisin

Simba picked us as his family. We loved him very much. He liked to drink water out of the sink and he would demand for his treats first thing in the morning, even before coffee. He will be missed by his birth sister Troy. (Yes we didn’t know she was a girl when we named her)





Barkley Biray

I got Barkley when he was 10 months old and he was a better companion than I deserved. He was a sweet, loyal, protective, friendly, cuddly boy. After lots of training he became a Canine Good Citizen. His heart expanded when I met my husband and we had our two children. He always watched over our kids, wherever they were, he was too. He loved running, walking, swimming and just being with our family. We will truly miss him. Our family isn't the same without him.



Roxy Hyser

We said goodbye to our sweet girl on February 7, 2024 at 11:19am. She was nine months old when she came into our lives and we were blessed to be able to spend 9 wonderful years with her. We will miss her terribly. She took a piece of our hearts with her that day. We will love you always











Teddy Morris

Here’s a little bit about our Teddy boy:
It was January 2011 and we had a day off for snow. The roads were clear by the afternoon so my husband suggested that we drive to a pet store. At the time we had one daughter and she was 3 year old. We were super excited about his idea and got to the pet store and started to walk around and look at the puppies. My husband was talking to an employee so I took my daughter to walk around. We didn’t see any pup that we connected with. When we went to find my husband, he was holding the sweetest little Boston Terrier Pug puppy! It was love at first sight!! Our daughter wanted to name him Britney Spears but we explained that he was a boy lol. My husband likes baseball and Ted Williams had played for Boston. Since the pup was part Boston Terrier, he suggested Teddy for Ted Williams and we thought it was a perfect name. We brought our Teddy boy home that day 13 years ago and he was with us for many life events including the arrival of 2 more baby girls in 2013 & 2017. Teddy was our only “son” and he was a very protective big “brother” to our 3 daughters. He was our constant companion always snuggling with one of us and greeting us with such excitement when we would get home from work and school. We miss him so much already and are so blessed to have called him our boy.

Latte Loggins

Latte Loggins 2/8/2024
In August of 2014 we unexpectedly lost our beloved rescue dog on the operating table and our cherished wife/mother/grandmother to Leukemia. My family was reeling from grief. On the same day that my mother passed an opportunity fell into our laps to adopt a sweet little girl from the same rescue (Furry Friends Network), that came from the same high-kill shelter in WV, that was the spitting image of our former dog. It didn’t take long to realize that there was Divine intervention at work. We went to pick up this scared 6-month-old pup, along with her brown paper sack of belongings, and a little bit of lightness creeped into our heavy hearts. For nine years and 5 months Latte brought joy, goofiness, and so much love and healing to a family that desperately needed her. She was the ruler of our roost and a part of everything my family did. She went on every vacation, was copilot on thousands of errands, sniffed and played around tons of favorite spots, and was constant companion to her three people. She hated oceans, feared pools, tolerated the Gulf if you held her, but was an absolute nutter over lakes and rivers. Latte loved playing fetch in the water, but it had to be a ridiculously big stick. She ate green beans like they were steak (whole not cut!), and our “Beaner” was the best friend and snuggle bug to me and my daughter. The image of walking in on your 90-year-old dad laying down on the floor hugging your dog just to tell her “He loves her” is one I’ll always cherish. In January of 2023 we learned our Lottie-Lou had inoperable liver cancer. We thought we just had a few weeks left with her, but our girl remained happy, playful, and seemed so normal that we forgot she was sick. Twelve months later she was still skipping (she really did) on our walks and chasing the neighborhood cat. She was feeling fine and then in just twenty-four hours she was gone. We are missing her every minute of every day. Our home is painfully quiet, and our hearts weigh a ton. Latte Loggins you are so missed by your family, and we are so thankful to have had you in our lives. On a personal note, I am 100% certain that this girl was indeed sent to us for a purpose, by a higher power. A child never wants to have to make decisions regarding their elderly parent, or ones that may uproot your family and life as you’ve known it. I stewed over this for several years, just treading water, not moving, losing sleep, and letting it affect my health. Three days before Latte’s death, I finally started moving forward and working a plan. She was in her usual spot, sacked out on the sofa behind my desk chair, as usual, right there with me as I started this long-overdue journey. I know now that she was doing what she has been doing since before we even met. She was watching over me, tending my heart, and just waiting for me to be ok.

Azul "Pretty Boy" Blackburn

Home is just not the same without you. 16 years was not long enough with our silly pretty boy❤️ You are missed terribly by daddy, mommy, your big brother Osito and little Maggie Mae. Please give Ginger and Chico kisses for us. We love you so very much. Forever and ever in our hearts.







Darcy Harbold

We adopted Darcy in June of 2016, when she was one year old. She was a ball of fire from the first day she came home. She had the biggest personality I have ever seen. She was curious right from the start and into everything. She was very demanding about what she wanted and when she should get it, but she did it in such funny ways that you could not help laughing and giving in. She could shred a toy in no time and was proud of herself when she would also shred a pillow from time to time. You couldn’t be mad, however, because it was just so funny how she “owned” her work, never trying to blame our other pup. She loved going for walks in the park and the occasional trip through drive-thru for a vanilla Frosty. She was also very sweet and loved to snuggle up in bed or on the couch every night. She would wake you up by stomping all over you and then a bunch of kisses in your face. Occasionally, she might have even decided to roll all over you. It was so adorable, and I would give anything to experience this just one more time. She filled our home with so much laughter and love. She has left a huge hole in our hearts. I am grateful for every day we got to spend with Darcy, and I know we will meet our sweet girl again someday. Until then sweet girl.

Ginger Ensminger

Ginger was the most sweet and loving cat. I've had her since she was 8weeks old and she has brought me and my family so much joy! She will be forever loved and missed tremendously!





Bandit Shaffer

Bandit was my companion/best friend for 16 years. He had a great life, gave me a great life, and lived an extremely healthy life. Unfortunately, dogs do not live as long as humans. I will miss my little man every day for the rest of my life. We will meet again for sure! Gone but NEVER forgotten!










Tucker Gassert

Our sweet boy crossed the bridge on 1/29/24. He “found” us in 2005 after my dad was killed in a car accident. He was the most loving and affectionate cat I ever met. He lived for cuddles and snacks. 230 was our time to cuddle and nap; it was like an alarm for Tucker; he came to me every day right on time. Naps and life will never be the same without him. Fly high my sweet Tucker. You are loved and missed.





Tommy McDowell

Tommy was our big sweet buddy. He had a huge personality and loved being with his humans and his dog Daisy. The house is so quiet without him. He always had so much to say. We miss him so much.









Trixie Blatt

Trixie Rosebud was the sweetest, gentlest little soul there ever was. " We miss you terribly. Mommy & Daddy love you. You will be in our hearts forever".









Archie Billman

Archie was a curious and adventurous boy. He loved watching the birds and squirrels on the balcony. He enjoyed playing with feather toys and toy mice that made noises. He loved boxes, his cardboard scratch pads, and catnip toys too! He had the coolest, most unique personality I have ever experienced in a cat. He loved "people food", especially pizza, chicken, cheese, and ice cream...and he was always trying to use his paw to redirect your hand toward him when you were eating those foods. Some days I think he considered himself human and other times I swear he was raised by dogs, but regardless he made me laugh every day. He was such a sweet and curious boy. He is missed.



Minnie Pistilli

My girl saw me through major life changes including the death of my mom, my sister and nephew and she was my co pilot when I found the strength to make a major change in my life. She was peace after a hard day at work. When I brought her a treat from a special shop and it turned out she didn’t like it, she hid it so she wouldn’t hurt my feelings That is the cracker in her mouth. It seems she didn’t like coconut. My baby girl is dearly missed!!




Peanut Dougherty

Peanut picked me, almost 18 years ago. She was a kitten at the Humane Society. Her name was Lyla and she was found “at large”. It was love at first sight. We’ll miss you, our teeny, tiny Peanut. I know you’re with your BFF, Toots again. ❤️





Lizzie Kintner

Lizzie was a rescue but little did I know she actually rescued me. I adopted her after the loss of my dog Perry. I couldn’t have picked a better match. She loved car rides and snuggles on the couch. She spent 11 great years with me. She comforted me in hard times and gave me joy watching her play and run zoomies around the backyard. She will be greatly missed.





Lorelei Tauser

On Monday January 22nd (2024), we said goodbye to our cat Lorelei. We only had her for a little over a year, but it felt like we had her for forever. She was a sweet loving cat who loved to be brushed on a daily basis and loved having her belly rubbed. My husband and I bonded with her shortly after she came into our lives and we were her people. She and I had a morning routine and if I was a minute late, she made sure that I followed her to the kitchen so that she could get her breakfast. She would come down to the basement with me when I was at my work table and would sit in the laundry basket or plastic bin and demanded to be petted, or she would come down looking for me and meow to make sure that I followed her back up. She loved people and was friendly to everyone who came to our house. She will be missed, but we know that she is in a good place and is waiting for us over the rainbow bridge.

Bindi Kay Fauth

We rescued Bin using Castaway Critters back in 2011. She was 13 weeks old. Bindi has been through various changes including pets, neighbors, grandchildren and a move. She was always so gentle and not a mean bone in her body. My son had a rough patch with substance abuse and this girl was right by his side through everything. She helped to save him. Bin will be missed at this house but she spent her ENTIRE time with us loved and cared for.




Tucker Stahl

Tucker was with us for 14 1/2 years. From the time he was a puppy to his last days, Tucker was never far away from a toy. His favorite game was Tug of War, so we renamed it "Tucker War." We will miss his love and hugs he so readily gave to everyone he met. He will forever hold a special place in our hearts.
Rest in peace sweet boy!





Zoey Mowery

Zoey was with us for 15 years. She was the sweetest girl. She was very vocal and protected her family and her home. She is missed greatly.













Maggie Mae Buckley

Maggie Mae was born on 11/28/2008 and went to doggie heaven 12/19/2023. I had 15 years with my baby girl; not near long enough. She was only 3.8 lbs when I picked her up at 8 weeks old. It was love at first sight. She was my first fur baby and I had no idea how much of my heart she would steal; she stole it all. She was high energy, had a sassy attitude and was totally loyal to me to the bitter end. I always said I lived in her house, she didn’t live in mine. I attributed that to her being a Min Pin and being from New Jersey. I got married in 2015 and it took Maggie Mae a couple years until she finally fully accepted my husband, Kenny. Kenny would cook and she was his assistant. She loved to eat. They became fast buddies. She still, however, would nip his ankle if he got too close to me or she didn’t get her way! We weren’t ready to leave her go but I spent two days and nights awake with her and I knew she wasn’t herself. I contacted an animal communicator when she was 3 months old. Maggie Mae told me she’d be around for 14-15 years and she kept her promise. We miss her so much but we know she’s running, playing and getting everything she wants in doggie heaven. Rest in peace baby girl until I see you again!

Patches Mummert

Patches was a goofball and the love of our lives. He loved walks on the beach, running in the waves, golf cart rides, and being rocked by his daddy watching anything sports. He was the best furbaby companion we've ever had and not having him here hurts so much but our memories with him, will live on thru all our pictures. I hope you’re running free in the waves our sweet Patchy!







K9 Speedy Fischer

In loving memory of K9 Speedy...
Speedy was a 10 year old German Shepherd K9. Born May 5th 2013, Speedy was rescued and brought into a home of a Search and Rescue Family. Speedy was an amazing K9 with a personality like no other. Speedy was known for never sitting still, he was always on the go and always "Speedy". Speedy had a unique "huff" and he would always express his distaste if you were not keeping up or if you were not in tune with his needs at any given moment. Speedy, the youngest among the other Search and Rescue K9s in the Family quickly took to the Search and Rescue lifestyle and started his training to follow suite. Speedy rose through the training and became an avid Trailing Search K9. Speedy was an active SAR K9 with two search and rescue teams in central Pennsylvania for the better part of his life. Speedy transitioned into the Forensics relm and became an HRD Search K9 and went on to assist Families of those who had lost a loved one. Speedy was credited with assisting multiple water rescue teams in central Pennsylvania in various searches. Speedy was also part of a Water Rescue Task Force that responded to Lumberton, North Carolina for Hurricane Florence where he assisted with Search and Rescue efforts over the course of multiple days. After retirement Speedy took to the posh lifestyle of resting at home and playing with any toy that he could get his paws on. His favorite was his Big Red Ball...he would play with this red ball for hours and would never go anywhere without it. He loved going anywhere and loved just being next to his Mom. No matter if they were training on another search tactic or just hanging out by the campfire at camp Speedy just loved being with his Family. Being the typical youngest he had no issues picking fights with his older Brother every single chance he got. Speedy was the strongest Dog we have ever met, there was nothing that stood in his way. Speedy passed away Tuesday, January 16th 2024, at Home surrounded by his Brothers and Sisters, and next to his Father. Speedys' passing left a huge hole in the Family that he left behind. Speedy was one of a kind and he is missed greatly.
Speedy... it was an honor to work with you side by side in your service to others. You are dearly missed and you will never be forgotten. I pray that they have lots of red balls in Heaven for you and that you are showing the Search Team in Heaven all of your amazing skills. RIP K9 Speedy you earned your wings!! We love you and we miss you.

Oscar Shade

Oscar was a very loving cat, he loved a lot of attention. He will be greatly missed.





Dakota Donovan

Dakota was our first baby. 13 years ago after our honeymoon, we picked up this fun loving ball of fur. The next 13 years were filled with so much love, dog hair, 5 moves, and 3 kids. Dakota was always laid back, and just went with the flow! He also would out -shed any dog ;) He was always gentle, and let his boys crawl all over him without a second thought. Within the past couple years, He befriended a few cats, and a new puppy who he loved. He was always excited to see us and followed us around the house always! Dakota means “friend” and that’s what he was to all of us.


Lady Bendevich

Lady was born in West Virginia, but moved to Central PA as a puppy to settle into her forever home with her moms and two cat brothers who taught her cat things like how to clean herself, sunny spots are the best, and paper bags are joy. When Lady was young, she was scared of vacuums, fireworks, and rearranged furniture, but her moms always kept her safe and she grew in confidence. Lady loved playing in the snow, plush toys that were bigger than she was, and paper bags, especially when they had bones or bread in them, and she especially loved belly rubs waving her front paws in the air to ask for more. Lady was fiercely loyal to her moms and their families and would ferociously bark to keep strangers away, and since the mailman always left, her method worked. She would sneeze dramatically to express her displeasure and lick us or place her paw on us to show us she loved us. She once went camping and hated it, deciding that the outside was too much and she preferred her air conditioned splendor. She did love adventures and walks at the park, and as a senior dog preferred to be pushed by her moms in a stroller. She became quite curmudgeonly as she aged, seemingly grumpy about everything, but that made her even more endearing to her moms. We love you and miss you so much Lady. Thank you for all the joy you brought us. Run free, sweet girl.❤️

Thomas Melfi

Thank you for aiding us with making sure Thomas crosses the rainbow bridge safely and comfortably. He is greatly missed.
Thomas Melfi









Nikko Riehl

Nikko was a sweet family member. Always wanted to be by your side and passing ball. Watched over the family❤️ he is greatly missed.












Kori Douglass

Gone too soon from liver and kidney failure @ 5 years old. Sweet Kor-Kor! Such a loving, fun-loving girl. She ran so fast chasing her brothers and new puppy, and she enjoyed being chased by them. She loved chin and belly rubs. Her nose “kisses” were special and freely given, even so very sick. Ah such sweet memories!








Rex Shoemaker

On January 12th (2024), just one week after saying goodbye to our beloved Abbey, we had to let go of Rex. At 17, He had been declining, but we had hoped to have a little more time with him. His last week by my side we did all his favorite things. A trip to petsmart, walks at the park, trips to McDonalds. Rex was the absolute kindest, gentlest, most amazing dog. He was my sidekick, my ride or die, my rescue ambassador. We adopted Rex 11 years ago at the age of 6. He came north to PA from a N. Carolina shelter after completing heartworm treatment when found as a stray. He went in the same way Abbey did. So peaceful and feeling the immense love we had for him. This dog was my best friend and always with me. The emptiness I feel is palpable. Losing two of my furkids in a weeks time is one of the most devastating losses I’ve ever felt. Rest easy my love❤️

Maddie & Sheba Parma

Here is a picture of our girls, Maddie and Sheba. Some of their favorite memories and experiences are when we camped. They loved the water, the hikes, being outdoors and their frisbees. Both girls are still loved and missed so very much and we can’t thank you enough for the care you gave to them when it was time to cross the rainbow bridge. Love you babies, until we meet again you’ll never be more than a thought away.











Henry Moyer

Henry was the biggest snuggle bug of a dog. He loved to sit on laps and give kisses, especially uninvited. He brought our family so much joy over the past 13 years. We miss him terribly.









Damon Ray

My Damon finally lost his fight with kidney disease. We always called him "the kitten"... he was so sweet. He always slept on the pillow next to mine and loved to snuggle with me on the couch. He was such a huge part of our family... he is so loved and missed. Thank you for allowing him to pass quietly and without fear.





Abbey Shoemaker

There are a million pictures and memories I could share about our girl, Abbey. We brought her home at 5 years old only planning on her being a foster. She had not lived the best life until that point and we quickly realized she needed us as much as we needed her. For the next almost 11 years, despite her past, she was our best friend, our very loyal companion and one of the biggest loves of our lives. On Jan 5th (2024) it came time to say goodbye and free her from the pain that could no longer be controlled. As a past breeder, Abbey was terrified of being restrained. Vet visits were a true nightmare for her. I am so thankful to Peaceful Pet Passage! Because of them, there was no fear in her eyes, only treats and love, as we said goodbye. She was able to leave our side in absolute peace and that is all we could ever have wished for, for the girl we love and miss so very much.

Bodhi Campbell

Bodhi was such a fantastic, beautiful dog who was very devoted to his people. Thank you for all that you did in making Bodhi's passage as smooth as possible, all things considered. Dr. Morgan and her partner were very kind during it, even allowing Bodhi to have some snow touch his face for the last time at our request. He was born in the snow and always loved being in it, so having him touch the snow seemed fitting. Thanks again.




Biggie Gibson

My Dearest Biggie,
You were and always will be such a beautiful light in our lives. You gave me a reason to keep going when there were dark days. You were the sweetest soul that I ever met. You loved me unconditionally and gave me purpose. I can't thank you enough for being in my life. However it wasn't long enough for me, I knew it was too long for you my love. I so hope to be with you again someday. You are and always will be deeply loved and missed. I'm honored to be your loving human. Thank you for everything and all of your love and loyalty my baby.
Love always,
Mommy and Daddy



Bun Sheffield

On December 30, 2023, we said goodbye to one of the best dogs our family has had the privilege of owning. You loved everyone, especially your human brothers and dad. You were a beautiful soul and an exceptional dog. Thank you for giving us over 12 years of unconditional love, loyalty, and laughter. You will forever be in our hearts. Rest easy and pain free now sweet bun-bun! ❤️





Jake Murray

Jake was our 10 ½ year old Irish Wolfhound. He was our friend and protector. And a gentle giant to everyone he met. He will be missed by everyone!





Pipsqueak Stiles

My dear little girl. I simply cannot choose just one picture to share. Nearly ten years ago I came across your picture on a local facebook group saying you needed a new home or were going to be put outside. I immediately knew you belonged with me. Come to find out, you were 6 hours away from me. I had just had a c-section….but I loaded your baby human Blake up in the car and made the drive to rescue you and bring you home with us where you belonged. ❤️ You were so tiny, had an adorably goofy gap in your tiny nose and bent tail. You ran right up to me and sat on my shoulder the entire 6+ hour drive home. You were just about the same age as my son Blake. You guys grew up together and became immensely close. You slept in his crib every single night, then his big boy bed. ❤️ You didn’t trust strangers very well. Sometimes you’d wait until late at night when it was totally silent to come out and lay with me on the couch. Your fur brothers miss you horribly. As do Blake and I. Blake hasn’t been able to sleep in his bed since you left us. Your passing was completely unexpected and has left a huge hole in our hearts. We got to share just shy of 10 years with you, and that wasn’t nearly enough. We miss you and love you terribly Pipsqueak.❤️

Gizmo James

Gizmo passed away on January 4, 2024. Gizmo was the best dog I’ve ever had the pleasure of loving. From the moment he hopped on to the bench at the rescue and laid his head on my shoulder, I knew he was different. Gizmo, named because he would constantly stick his ears out like a Gremlin, was always by my side. He saw so many life changes and took them in stride, as if it was his mission to make sure I was protected and loved. He loved riding in the car with me (the destination didn’t matter) and he loved being around his family. He showed us how to love unconditionally, how to relax, and how to smile. He almost always fell asleep smiling… and snoring as he got older. Through his almost eighteen years, Gizmo always seemed to know exactly what everyone needed and was happiest surrounded by his favorite people. He always had a way of connecting with everyone and making you feel like his. Gizmo will be so deeply missed but that’s just a show of how beautifully he lived his life. Bubby, I hope you’re eating lots of ice cream and chasing all the squirrels beyond the rainbow bridge. We love you and miss you so much.
Gizmo (5/5/06-1/24/24)

Bear Welker

Bear was the calmest, nicest dog anyone could ask for.














Ava Smeltzer

Ava Marie.
She was loved for almost 16 - 1/2 years and we miss her terribly. Thank you for helping her pass on.
"I'm filling the time I have on earth, spending it with my dogs."






Sami McFatridge

Our beloved toy poodle Sami passed on January 2, 2024. She gave us love, comfort, companionship, and much joy for more than 15 1/2 years and was more than we could have asked for in a pet. Our best little girl will be terribly missed.






Buddy Yentzer

Buddy was the love of our lives. He loved unconditionally and gave us more happiness than we ever knew. He will never leave our hearts. He was our gift from God.












Oliver "Ollie" Propst

Ollie was the king of the castle and we were just living in it and he was sure to let you know it. My mom rescued him when he was little, and when she moved in with me before she passed we became friends. Had him for all but 10 years! He always wanted to be in a window looking out into the world and would give my sister fits when she would watch him and he would always try to get out to go explore! He was spoiled rotten. He didn’t like to cuddle but he would love to sit right next to me any chance he got, as long as you gave him plenty of brushes.




Utley Lionel Mains

On Friday 12/22, our family said goodbye to our dog Utley as he crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. He was our absolute best friend. Never wavering in devotion, he was by our sides 99.9% of the time. He was a fun little dog brother to Daisy for the first 4 years of his life and after her passing became quite the model older dog brother to Rhys. He helped us raise our children, guarding and protecting them as they grew, and prancing with excitement as the now adults would come back home. He recognized the sound of each of their cars from a block away. Ironically, he couldn’t hear us calling him in from the yard. 😉 Our resilient, caring, adventurous, bearded boy loved to hike and camp with his dad, garden and nap with mom, and play ball with anyone who would toss it to him. He loved snow, leaf piles, playing in the ocean waves and all food-especially favoring oatmeal, bananas, ice cream and green beans. He lived for 8 years after a cancer diagnosis that was expected to end his life within 6 months. At 14 years and 4 months old, we decided that his quality of life was no longer what we wished for him and we knew, as absolutely awful as it is to make the decision, that it was time for us to let him go. We miss you, Utz. Thank you for allowing us to be your family. Lots of snugs, treats, and no more brushings, which we know you are oh so happy about! You truly were the very bestest boy until the very end, Utley Lionel Mains.

Lucy Platzer

Lucy was my very best friend, my best caregiver/service dog, my wonderful partner in dog sports, my dog business partner, the very best partner in life I could have ever hoped for. I am so incredibly blessed that I had her in my life. She truly was a gift from God. She leaves a huge hole in my heart; there will never be another as special as her.






George Frawley

Our sweet George was loved by everyone that met him. Even though he was the oldest dog, he was always the Alpha. He told us when everyone was hungry and when it was time to go outside. He loved to cuddle, especially when there was a blanket involved. You always knew when George was sleeping because he snored so loud! He always made sure to dress up with his bow tie whenever he went out in public. We will forever miss you, buddy! You were such a great boy! We love you! ❤️




Murphy Hockenberry

My 15 1/2 year old little boy ♥️. We got Murphy when he was 8 weeks old. His first day with us consisted of taking one of our daughters to visit another daughter, picked her up from college to visit the third daughter in college. So 3 teenage girls with their friends just loved him up. Murphy was the funniest dog. He was so entertaining and a complete love bug. You never wondered how he was feeling. His face said it all. He and my oldest grandson grew up together. At 18 my grandson came to say goodbye to this little doggie a few days before he crossed over. Murph was that special. He was so special that he greeted the vet when she walked into our home and even tried to sit in her lap. As the past few months grew tougher for him I knew it was time. Time to set aside my own heart and look at his what his face was telling me. He told me it hurt and that he was tired.

Charlie DaCosta

I adopted Charlie from a friend who could no longer take care of her. Charlie was named after the viral video from late 2010 ‘Charlie bit me’. Charlie was first believed to be male but is actually female. The name remained. I have known Charlie her whole life and I adopted her end of 2011. She was 13 years and 5 months old when she passed. Charlie was a great companion and I love and miss her a lot. Charlie was always in my orbit whenever I was at home. She loved the bird and critter watching at the window. Sun bathing and the like. I hope to have been a great guardian to her. I believe I was. I will forever honor her with a shrine I created for her.